After getting some stick for his fight-winning tactics against Leben, he's prepared to come out 'all guns blazing' at UFC 105. Will this signal a more aggressive Mike a la Day/McCarthy/Haynes etc?
I hope so, not that I disagree with his tactics against Leben but it would be good to see that guy back purely from a fans perspective. Sounds like he's not going to be gunshy despite the first KO loss of his career.
“Both Kang and I are looking to take that next step up the ladder to the top of the division, and there’s so much on the line for both of us. I have things to prove and cannot wait to go in all guns blazing in front of my hometown fans in Manchester.”
Bisping will probably get more respect from the fans for going out on the offensive like the Day/McCarthy fights than backpeddling to a decision.
I dont get all the hate Bisping gets for that style though. Sure it's not as entertaining but it works and the point is to hit and not get hit which he does. I'd rather watch Bisping fight with that style than watch a wrestler lay on his opponent for 3 rounds thats for sure.
Regardless of what he does, he'll never be respected by the USA fans. They'll just claim that Kang has had crappy performances recently and that he's done.
im so sick of hearing this from fighters only to see them get in there and counterpunch or take it to the ground...
Bisping's got this little fantasy in his head that he's not gonna get the piss beat out of him by Kang in front of his hometown fans, friends, and family
but this isn't fantasy, this is reality, there's gonna be a lot of blood and a lot of pain and another win on Kang's record
lol @ Steve's pic
MrSmiff - lol @ Steve's pic
This +1<!--Session data-->
It's easy to TALK about doing this, just like it was easy to TALK about knocking Dan Henderson out.
I personally am done listening to Bisping TALK.
Steve4192 - PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!
This is un-fucking-believably funny
Yeah, it's annoying that when he's approached by the UFC for comment about the fight he decides to open his mouth rather than just maintain an uncomfortable silence over the phone.
MrSmiff - lol @ Steve's pic
Alas, I wish it were mine, but it is someone else's work. I remembered it from one of the old Bisping-Hendo threads and lifted it from there. I have no idea who created it or I would have given them credit.
MMAunltd - Yeah, it's annoying that when he's approached by the UFC for comment about the fight he decides to open his mouth rather than just maintain an uncomfortable silence over the phone.
getting a little testy for a guy that uses MMABay as a source for credible news aren't you?
I am American and find bisping to be a good fighter. Bisping is not the next champion you made him out to be or top ten. I think most americans do not hate him just hate the hype he got without earning it.
story97 -I'm sorry I displease you like Mike :(MMAunltd - Yeah, it's annoying that when he's approached by the UFC for comment about the fight he decides to open his mouth rather than just maintain an uncomfortable silence over the phone.
getting a little testy for a guy that uses MMABay as a source for credible news aren't you?
Just be done 'listening to me talk' and it will all be fine.
Bisping needs to come off his high horse and get KO'd for a change!
sadic1 - Bisping needs to come off his high horse and get KO'd for a change!
Dude, I think that happened at UFC 100...
all gums blazing imo
MMAunltd -sadic1 - Bisping needs to come off his high horse and get KO'd for a change!
Dude, I think that happened at UFC 100...
I'm not counting that one! This needs to happen.