Bisping vs GSP: not motivated to watch

Bisping is the bigger, fitter guy, while GSP has 4 years of ringrust, comes in heavier, so slower.

its a mismatch, somehow i can't get excited for this fight.

Don’t watch it.

save your money and just get another Conor mcgregor tattoo.

Hogzilla - GSP is truly great, greatness is special.

Bisping is not.

Don’t underestimate GSP, he’s motivated.

i don’t see it, looks like his move career didn’t take off and comes back for a paycheck, before he is to old to cash it in.

Dead President -

Don’t watch it.

save your money and just get another Conor mcgregor tattoo.

so, you are going to watch it, but how does it feel?

Cool story fag

We really haven’t seen a ton of his newer training footage and that’s what I’m waiting for.

Morpheus1976 -
Dead President -

Don’t watch it.

save your money and just get another Conor mcgregor tattoo.

so, you are going to watch it, but how does it feel?

I’m going to watch it. I’m a huge fan.

i wished that he’d stay retired but that’s because I have the mentality of a loser. He’s a winner. Winners strive and that’s what he’s doing. It feels like I’m watching a winner test himself against a legit challenge and is comfortable with the outcome knowing that he’s walking away having answered some of his own questions about himself.

Hogzilla - GSP is truly great, greatness is special.

Bisping is not.

Don’t underestimate GSP, he’s motivated.

But is he in his dark place?

TheDarkPassenger - We really haven't seen a ton of his newer training footage and that's what I'm waiting for.

we have to wait for the embedded, but it will be way less as expected. you know can't give out secrets to bisping.

Can’t see how you couldnt be curious to see how george does after a 4 year layoff against a well rounded middleweight. So interested to see what happens.

DidNaziHillaryWinningAtAll - This is a good match-up. What do you want to seenot? 2 half naked dudes touching each other apparently.

why is it a good match-up?, i dont see it. they just made the fight because whitaker is out for a long time. its the B-plan

38 year old man in Bisping’s shape. Dude is chugging the PEDs non stop it seems. Embarrassing for the sport of UFC.

You also weren't going to watch the McGregor Mayweather fight, although we all know you did. Dude, big names, great fighters, big fights, just stop with all this gobbledygook and enjoy the match.

Dead President -

Don’t watch it.

save your money and just get another Conor mcgregor tattoo.

gsp = cheater

Bisping = suffered the cheaters until he ultimately won the championship, and will now beat the dog shit out of one of the most celebrated cheaters of all time

do we know for sure that GSP was a cheater though? everything seems to point that way but I was always such a fan of the man

and what’s GSP’s goal after this fight ?

I’m kind of convinced that the anxiety issues GSP spoke of was all about getting exposed for PED’s.

He tried to push WADA on to the ufc so that he could stop the roids and force everyone else off them too.

He walked away, USADA happened, Aliens etc.

Now he’s fighting Michael Bisping while sporting a mean Dad bod.

sgotwalks -

You also weren't going to watch the McGregor Mayweather fight, although we all know you did. Dude, big names, great fighters, big fights, just stop with all this gobbledygook and enjoy the match.

i don't state i am not watching it ( learn to fucking read) i state i am not motivated for the fight.

Canadian GSP nuthugger here and I’m not interested in this fight either ..  Bisping is bang on too.. gsp wanted the fight because he outwrestled him a long time ago but I just don’t see it happening.   Bisping gonna jab his face up pretty bad and win a decision IMO

Gsp should have went after Woodley or dropped to 155 and set himself up for Conor.     This 185 stuff is dumb 


Canadian GSP nuthugger here and I’m not interested in this fight either ..  Bisping is bang on too.. gsp wanted the fight because he outwrestled him a long time ago but I just don’t see it happening.   Bisping gonna jab his face up pretty bad and win a decision IMO

Gsp should have went after Woodley or dropped to 155 and set himself up for Conor.     This 185 stuff is dumb 

He’s pulling a Conor. 185 champion is very beatable and even if GSP were to lose, he can claim he’s fighting a weight-class up.

This basically gives him an extra paycheck at worst and solidifies his legacy as GOAT UFC fighter at best.