BJ had easier time taking down Fitch. Why?

I miss GSTQ - I dont think Fitch expected it...element of surprise.

Fitch did say Penn going far take down threw him off he said it was very unexpected. Last person to do that was sanchez Phone Post

penn took diaz down easy when he wasnt hurt, once diaz beat up his face a lil its not exactly easy to take a guy down when you just got punched 40 times in the face.....

if penn only went for takedowns he would of won but i think his pride made him abandon that route.

OshKos B'Josh All American Blanket - 
PiousDevil - situational, short term variance, imo.
Sufficently analogous to draw comps Phone Post

What is this gif? I don't get it and it's not funny or amusing or anything, can you find a new one, thanks Phone Post

I need to re-watch round one.

When BJ had gas, it didnt seem like he had much trouble with anything...

 It was just timing and technique.

Fitch was backed against the cage and went for a high Thai clinch to land a knee. BJ set it up with strikes, dropped levels and drove deep into the pocket, getting leverage underneath both hips and clasping his hands together.

FreightTrain -

When BJ had gas, it didnt seem like he had much trouble with anything...

That's a blanket statement applicable to virtually his entire career.

OshKos B'Josh All American Blanket - 
PiousDevil - situational, short term variance, imo.
Sufficently analogous to draw comps

sampling error imo

I'm honestly surprised that so many were surprised that Penn took down Fitch in their fight. Penn has had underrated wrestling for a long time. He didn't take GSP down in their first fight, but he did have him on his butt for a moment. The guy also effortlessly outwrestled Kenny Florian, who handled Guida, and took down Frankie Edgar whenever he really tried.

For all Fitch MMA accomplishments, he was not a good college wrestler. He's applied MMA wrestling very well, but he isn't some amazing wrestler. Penn took down Edgar when he was gassed in their 2nd fight. That to me was more than enough proof he was capable of taking down Fitch.

Pork Sword - BJ shooting on Fitch was unexpected and Diaz has better TDD than most give him credit for. It's like no one has ever actually watched the Sherk fight.

He just doesn't resist the takedown that much because he is so confident in his grappling game.

this...when BJ came out and took down Fitch who here did NOT go "WTF!!!!!!!!!!!"

ArthurKnoqOut - 
Pork Sword - BJ shooting on Fitch was unexpected and Diaz has better TDD than most give him credit for. It's like no one has ever actually watched the Sherk fight.

He just doesn't resist the takedown that much because he is so confident in his grappling game.

this...when BJ came out and took down Fitch who here did NOT go "WTF!!!!!!!!!!!"

I swear to God, I thought it was very possible Penn could take Fitch down. Fitch was not a good college wrestler. That leads me to believe his defensive wrestling isn't that great when really tested. Remember, Diego Sanchez, who couldn't down many fighters in the cage, especially Penn, actually got two takedowns on Fitch in their fight.

WheresBobbySouthworth - 
Fitch was not a good college wrestler.

Anyone know why Wikipedia has him at 97-12 in College whereas says 27-39?

fitch has pillow hands

BJ tried to take Diaz down several time but they were stuffed. That's why BJ stopped Phone Post

as if cre made a gif of himself. what an ugly loser.

Shahanshah - Nick Diaz is a lot better then Jon Fitch

This. Phone Post

BrianStannFan -  Answer:

Nick knew BJ was not going to stand with him for long and would try the take down like he did against Fitch. Him training with Hughes and the "rumor mill" was that BJ would use his wrestling again.

On the other hand, Fitch had no idea BJ would take him down but would rather choose to keep his distance to stop Fitch's takedown.<br type="_moz" />  

The thread should have been over at this post, because this is exactly the right and only answer.

I don't know about there being a one and only answer to a very wide subjective question, but it IS a good answer. Phone Post

WheresBobbySouthworth - 
ArthurKnoqOut - 
Pork Sword - BJ shooting on Fitch was unexpected and Diaz has better TDD than most give him credit for. It's like no one has ever actually watched the Sherk fight.

He just doesn't resist the takedown that much because he is so confident in his grappling game.

this...when BJ came out and took down Fitch who here did NOT go "WTF!!!!!!!!!!!"

I swear to God, I thought it was very possible Penn could take Fitch down. Fitch was not a good college wrestler. That leads me to believe his defensive wrestling isn't that great when really tested. Remember, Diego Sanchez, who couldn't down many fighters in the cage, especially Penn, actually got two takedowns on Fitch in their fight.

yeah i believe that. BJ should have stuck with it...oh wait he "gassed"...