on UFC Tonight, by way of calling out Dolce, paraphrase....
'Ill tell you waht Dolce, Nik Lentz is your boy, ill run through him in one round at 145 then beat you up in the back after'
something like that
Nik Lentz runs through Bj with ease at this point. Please chill Bj :(
No. Go have your three finger-poi, some spam musubi and enjoy your retirement champ.
BJ is the man at 155, but fuck watching him at 145 again.
Unless he's working with Courson or Marinavich.........not interested in seeing any fighting from BJ. Ride into the sunset waves.
What's with the beef with nik Lentz? Can't be just because he works with dolce is it?
If he comes in with the weird tippy toe boxing bullshit that he did last fight then don't even bother
I'm in as long as tippy toe, bobble head BJ doesn't show up and it's the Marinavich monster..
I hated that frankie fight...id love 2 see him have one more..this could be great...
His last performance was one of the saddest things in mma
BJ needs to chill and enjoy his retirement. I don't think he has anything left to prove to anyone
I'd love to see BJ fight again but it's over. Get stoned and teach a seminar brah.
Dom Hemingway - I'm in as long as tippy toe, bobble head BJ doesn't show up and it's the Marinavich monster..I want to believe...

Shaka Shaka, to tha death.
No way?! War BJ!!!!!
BJ is one of my all time favorites.
I'd love to see this fight.
This is who BJ is.
Let him Bang.
No matter what happens he will always be the guy who would fight anyone at any given time. He's a legend and a throwback
Dana won't let him