BJ Penn vs Diego Sanchez to headline UFC 105

desent fight! but id rather see the inevitable slaughter of hendo by anderson!<br /><br />(yes im a bisping fan... flame away bitches!!!lol!)

droplogic - Didn't BJ Penn already say he wouldn't fight overseas cause he'd take a lesser cut, and without this being a PPV he'd take an even bigger cut.  It would be great to have a good free fight for a change but I severely doubt it's this one.

Yep, BJ was quoted as saying he wouldn't headline another UK show because the PPV cut sucks.

Heartbroken Lee - 
Archer0545 - 
Heartbroken Lee - 
Archer0545 - 
ukMMAisOverrated - 
jkd4200 - 
ukMMAisOverrated -  I'll believe it when I see it.

how bold of you.... a real risk taker eh?

 I'm just going based on the history of the UFC in the UK. Poor card after poor card after poor card...

 I agree, especially since Bisping was on everyone, good call mate!

Well actually Bisping was the only good thing about them. But the problem was that he ran through the opposition too easily. He was beating guys up like it was nothing and it seemed as though some of those matches weren't even competitive.

Except for when Elvis almost TKO'd him and when Hamil beat his ass, I agree!


Oh, are you talking about that fight where Bisping's ground and pound was so vicious that the ref had to pull him off his opponent (Bisping also retired him). And don't even get me started on the Hamill fight. Hamill lost, fair and square. Get over it. Bisping proved he was the better fighter over 3 rounds.

Lol, keep saying it and mybe it'll be true.  Everyone knows Hamil won that fight except for the UK trolls and most of you know it as well but are too mesmerized by Hendos bitch to admit it!