BJ Penn

It seems like he is working a lot harder training for rory than when he trained for gsp.. When he does beat rory who does he fight? I guarantee he'll win, no doubts at all!!! Phone Post

Hopefully your dad for not pushing your whore of a mom down the stairs while she was pregnant with you Phone Post

if bj wins, it will bring back a lot of enthusiasm in me as an mma fan....if he wins i hope he goes back to 55 for the belt, but im guessing he will gun for diaz rematch or something else high profile at ww. if he loses, im guessing retirement :(

I'll be on the edge of my seat... Phone Post

BJ's gunna put a serious beating on Rory Phone Post

irishman84 -
Pizzeria Nova Uno -  Hopefully your dad for not pushing your whore of a mom down the stairs while she was pregnant with you Phone Post

jesus christ dude gtfoh with that shit

x1 Phone Post

irishman84 - 
Pizzeria Nova Uno - 

Hopefully your dad for not pushing your whore of a mom down the stairs while she was pregnant with you Phone Post

jesus christ dude gtfoh with that shit

I lol'd!

It was just a smartass joke... Relax Phone Post

Pizzeria Nova Uno - Hopefully your dad for not pushing your whore of a mom down the stairs while she was pregnant with you Phone Post

That's a very mean thing to say man. BJ has a very good chance and I'm praying for him, legitimately. Phone Post

Pizzeria Nova Uno - Hopefully your dad for not pushing your whore of a mom down the stairs while she was pregnant with you Phone Post

I respect passion Phone Post