One of my blue belts (5'9" 83kg) had to step into a fight where 2 big bouncers (6'2" 100=kg) had been KTFO and a 3rd was stunned. A female friend went to aid one of the bouncers (her brother) and the assaliant turned on her, so my mate stepped in.
Offender swings, BJJ guy slips the punch dbl legs/ trips the guy and then knee rides him. Gives him a smack in the face for good measure. The guy tries to turn away and my mate secures an armwrap (wraps his arm accross him face) and holds the guy till the police arrive to arrest him.
When the BJJ guy has secured the physico one of the bouncers rouses the others and they come over to make sure the BJJ guy can hold him till the cops arrive. Not to help! just to see if he can hold on to this nutter!
"In terms of what happened, we were all in docside, and a scrap broke out outside between one of the 3 bouncers (big somoan boys) and this large nutcase, anyway 1 of the bouncers is my mate ####### brother and the other 2 are her cousins,
so we are all watching this thing cause she goes out there, and this guys throwing punches and demolishes the 2 bouncers, her brother then comes in from upstairs to help and somehow gets this guy on all fours and is on his back (all wrong with no weight or hooks etc), pounding into his head with his fist ?,
then somehow this nutter expodes and the bouncer basically goes falling into the side of the area and bangs up on the big wooden railings, by this time one of the other 2 bouncers gets up, so this guy goes over and smashes him to the ground again.....
then sees that her brothers hurt and half out of it and goes over to help the guy , this nut then comes over and grabs her cause he wants to get stuck into her brother, then my other friend *****, who is a somoan aswell and a bit of a headcase whom plays womens rugga, runs in and tries to tackle this nutter,
at this point i had to go in aswell, anyway she tackles him and bounces off, i end up doing this bad double leg tackle thing, he went over and i ended up in a knee ride, he thrashes and i smack him in the face, he sort of covered up and turned away and i somehow got an arm wrap on him and that was it.
So i am sitting in this kneeride type posy with an armwrap with this idiot all wrapped up not letting go for anything and the managers yelling just hold on mate, the cops are on there way...anyway the bouncers regather themselves and all come around and 3 of them very tentively sit on him to hold the guy waiting for the cops.
Anyway the cops come and take the nutter away, and we all us had to give a version of what happened etc. Anyway its quite funny cause the manager of the place this small little guy offered me a job there, which i turned down, so then he says well you have to show my guys how to hold down a guy like that i have never seen anything like it."
A rather exeteneded drinking seesion that began at the Beach Rd in Bondi via The Sheaf in Double bay and culminating at the Bondi Hotel around 3am.
Our group is having a drink when another crew decides to take offence to one of the younger guys with us. Words then punches exchanged. BenBJJ grabs the offender rear nakeds him and leaves him sleeping in front of stunned bouncer.
Guy comes to and whole group asked to leave.
Sleeping beauty wants to keep it going outside. Ben warns him, tough guy comes lunging Ben ducks the punch single legs and drops the guy flat on his back in side control.
Knee rides and land two clean punches on tough guys face . Lets him turn then takes his back as he lets him stand up. Rear naked again. Tough guy put to sleep again.
This time he is left to drop on his face on the pavement. Tough guys friends look on in shock and I am standing there grinning. Tough guys friends are freaking I tell them not to worry he'll be awake in two minutes. Sure enough TG comes to and does not know WTF happened.
hipsbaby, 6'4" and over 100kg? More like 64kg and over 100 years old. I hear it was a great grandmother, it was after bingo and she was getting on the bus, you tried to giver her a hug and she hit you with her hand bag and knocked you out.
To bring it back to the topic I think every Crowd Controller should learn at least the basics of grappling.
I don't think I'm that good at grappling but since learning the basics it has helped me many many times at work and it also looks heaps better to the crowd when it only looks like your holding the person down (even if they are in alot of pain) rather than having to stand toe to toe with them throwing punches at each other.
Totally agreed, but it's still a case of "can't win" though. I can remember seeing a news report of police breaking up a demonstration, with the reporter absolutely aghast at the "brutal pressure-point tactics" employed by the police. These people were moved along after breaking the law, and were never struck once, but it was still too violent for these 'reporters'.
Makes you wonder if 'the public' are all waiting for police and crowd controllers to finally master "the force", so they can control people with their Jedi mind tricks. This would still somehow be too invasive though, I'm sure...