i got a question for you guys. i have a problem with herniated discs in my lower back. one thing with back problems is that the worst thing you can do for your back is nothing. i played football (american) up through college and was into olympic powerlifting for a long time so i have always done more explosive/fast twitch type training whch not really what you want to do with a back problem. i also have a problem staying motivated to workout just for the sake of working out, i need a goal. something that scratches that competitive itch. i have always been very interested in BJJ and i believe that the emphesis on fluid motion and flexibility can be very helpful to me. what do you guys think? bjj good for back problems?
for your troubles
Sorry I didn't read what you wrote.
Short Answer - No. BJJ tears your back apart.
Long Answer - Maybe. I'm suffering through a long drawn out shitty back injury and am trying to get back into BJJ. So far I'm in a lot of pain and tae some great drugs. All good though.
I am no expert, so take this with a grain of salt.
I have a herniated C6/C7, which is upper back/neck. BJJ actually aggravated it all the time so much that I had to quit. Pretty much anything that put pressure on that area (getting stacked by a guy in your guard, rolling/somersaults, etc.)
I have been getting cortisone injections and doing PT for a year now - I really hope to get it fixed so I can go back to BJJ. So much easier to stay fit doing BJJ than it is to go to the gym.
Long story short - I think BJJ can hurt a bad disk more than help. Hopefully others with more qualifications can chime in.
boooo. not what i wanted to hear lol. thanks guys!
I don't think it would be the best choice. I have no back issues, but there are times when I come back from class with sore lower and upper backs. You'll get a lot of pressure put on it during stacks etc. Sorry to say this, but another martial art may be better for you.
Dongbar13 - boooo. not what i wanted to hear lol. thanks guys!
Sorry man. I wish I could give you better news but BJJ is torture on the back unless you're with a great team that is willing to work with you or you have some awesome physiotherapist behind you.... you're SOL.
If it wasn't a herniated, I would say go for it. But that kind of back/neck injury is no joke. I can def understand your frustration. I would take action to rehab it, but just be very very careful. You can always add more, but you can't take away. A bad back problem can make life hell. Don't risk it with BJJ.
In school I had an instructor say about 50% of adults walk around with herniated discs and most don't even know it. I wouldn't let it scare or hold me back.
FOAM ROLLER and light weight romanian dealifts
have you ever seen a chiropractor? mine has done wonders for me.
wreckker - FOAM ROLLER and light weight romanian dealifts
what is a foam roller?
I used to have a bad back from playing rugby. Mine is now better (I mostly credit my ostiopath - three visits $95/visit and I've never had to return). I don't think BJJ helped or hurt one bit.
Had a herniate disc (L5) which was operated on and I have been doing BJJ for 2 years. I can say 1. BJJ is hard on your back and if I hadn't had the op, I wouldn't be doing it. 2. an operation is not a panacea. Some people will recover 100% some will barely benefit. Luckily for me I was about 85% post op. A monthly visit to the PT will sort me out for the most part.
diese1 - Had a herniate disc (L5) which was operated on and I have been doing BJJ for 2 years. I can say 1. BJJ is hard on your back and if I hadn't had the op, I wouldn't be doing it. 2. an operation is not a panacea. Some people will recover 100% some will barely benefit. Luckily for me I was about 85% post op. A monthly visit to the PT will sort me out for the most part.
This is so true. If my cortisone/PT doesn't work, I will probably just give up as opposed to going the surgery route. My wife is a nurse and sees people every day who have had some type of surgery for disks. She says just as many people are the same or worse off after surgery than the number of people who improve.
jkennedy -Dongbar13 - boooo. not what i wanted to hear lol. thanks guys!
Sorry man. I wish I could give you better news but BJJ is torture on the back unless you're with a great team that is willing to work with you or you have some awesome physiotherapist behind you.... you're SOL.
jkennedy knows whats up. I have an excellent back but often injure it when rolling. Rear mounted body locks can be devastating to the lower back region. I would stick to light weighted exercises/stretches if I was you. Just remember to never stretch your back cold. That is the fastest way to ruin anything.
diese1 - Had a herniate disc (L5) which was operated on and I have been doing BJJ for 2 years. I can say 1. BJJ is hard on your back and if I hadn't had the op, I wouldn't be doing it. 2. an operation is not a panacea. Some people will recover 100% some will barely benefit. Luckily for me I was about 85% post op. A monthly visit to the PT will sort me out for the most part.glad you are doing better!! my prognosis is very good post, but i have to wait a few months to get the surgery since present circumstances won't allow it. how about the nerve symptoms? those are what really get to me. it's like a full body tooth ache. in order to strengthen the muscles and keep it from reherniating a certain amount of "hard on your back" should be beneficial. my herniation is L3-L4 and it really is not a terrible one so i am optomistic that the microdiscectomy operation will help a lot.
honestly the worst part about the injury is that nobody believes you. everyone thinks your trying to pull a fast one somehow. facking infuriates me.
Dongbar13 -diese1 - Had a herniate disc (L5) which was operated on and I have been doing BJJ for 2 years. I can say 1. BJJ is hard on your back and if I hadn't had the op, I wouldn't be doing it. 2. an operation is not a panacea. Some people will recover 100% some will barely benefit. Luckily for me I was about 85% post op. A monthly visit to the PT will sort me out for the most part.glad you are doing better!! my prognosis is very good post, but i have to wait a few months to get the surgery since present circumstances won't allow it. how about the nerve symptoms? those are what really get to me. it's like a full body tooth ache. in order to strengthen the muscles and keep it from reherniating a certain amount of "hard on your back" should be beneficial. my herniation is L3-L4 and it really is not a terrible one so i am optomistic that the microdiscectomy operation will help a lot.
Best of luck to you on your op. I get occasional nerve pain from sitting in a office for 10-12 hours a day. That coupled with BJJ, squats and DLs the nerves can get funky once in a while. I have a great active release therapist I see once or twice a months. That keeps things manageable.