BJJ Belts (the actual belt!)

Thought I'd post this. Buddy of mine got his BJJ BB and ordered an embroidered one and it looks great. I've always considered my BJJ BB a significant milestone in my life and wanted one with my name and BB date. Lots of options with these guys for any rank. A cool gift for someone? A few extra $$, but think of it as sacrificing a few nights out on the town. I'll let you know how mine comes out (production and delivery is a few weeks, and they email you the mock-up first for verification....nice touch) Phone Post 3.0


Archie Graham - You're no better than TKD 13 year old black belts if you care to have your name on it. VTFD Phone Post

Fucking Mendes brothers and that douche marcelo garcia Phone Post

So an achievement that takes 10 years to earn, you can't memorialize a bit though just s belt? Too bad you are so bitter and insecure. I was just providing a helpful link.

Back to your mom's basement kiddo. Phone Post 3.0

Akston - 
Archie Graham - You're no better than TKD 13 year old black belts if you care to have your name on it. VTFD Phone Post

Fucking Mendes brothers and that douche marcelo garcia Phone Post


I went with Isami. Pricey but when my friend told me it would be my last belt ever, I bit the bullet. I love it.

Archie Graham -
jrf - So an achievement that takes 10 years to earn, you can't memorialize a bit though just s belt? Too bad you are so bitter and insecure. I was just providing a helpful link.

Back to your mom's basement kiddo. Phone Post 3.0

I meant no disrespect. I was only kidding. And I never actually voted you down.

I think it's awesome you earned your BB. That's something I'll probably never achieve. Congrats!! Phone Post

My bad ! My sarcasm had left my brain earlier in the day. :) Phone Post 3.0

I picked up one of the basic, rank belts from kataaro for my black belt. Very nice, but simple belt for $25. The 7" rank bar on black belts looks really odd to me. I have a shorter belt (my preference), so it is a bit odd to have one "tail" after the knot be completely red.

The "Modern Flow" belts from Kataaro look cool as well.

I had a custom Eosin Panther belt made for one of my instructors, and I would say that the quality is equal between the two brands (Kataaro vs. Eosin).


My bro got me one for Xmas. (I'm only a brown belt)

u can ask for a 4" rank bar for bjj. Just need to specify when ordering. 


I head up a bjj program at a diff gym then from where I train. (I still rep my instructor)

I'm in a similar situation to where my instructor was when he got his brown belt

in the sense that, he was the head of a smaller team with very little belt color.

I've been with him since he was a purple. He wore a similar brown belt.

My bro who is a black under him got it for me. 




Nice, kataaro makes nice stuff! I got one of the Isami black belts from chokesports which is very nice as well Phone Post 3.0

Archie Graham -
ChrisBJJ -
Akston - 
Archie Graham - You're no better than TKD 13 year old black belts if you care to have your name on it. VTFD Phone Post

Fucking Mendes brothers and that douche marcelo garcia Phone Post


LOL VTFD!! Phone Post

And what rank are you. We don't EVER address black belts like that... Unless you're behind a keyboard apparently. Phone Post 3.0

Animal Mother - Why a red bar?

Depending on the affiliation, some use the red bar to designate whoever runs the academy (ie head instructor) if its owned and operated by a non-black belt. Esp when there may be multiple people at that rank at the academy. When done, it's normally done for purples and browns only (never heard or seen it done for blue belts). I think it is silly personally, but some utilize it in that manner. Most don't but a small percentage utilize it.

I have a eosin panther black belt.

It's a beautiful belt but after a year the edges are worn like crazy so that the core is showing through giving it white edges in some spots.

Not totally sure how I feel about that yet. Phone Post 3.0

I have a cheap 'no-name' brand BB. I removed the brand label. Looks nice and plain.

omoplautistic - I have a eosin panther black belt.

It's a beautiful belt but after a year the edges are worn like crazy so that the core is showing through giving it white edges in some spots.

Not totally sure how I feel about that yet. Phone Post 3.0

I have a Kataaro belt which I love. However, I've experienced the same thing- not only is it worn so the white is showing, if you put it in the dryer after washing it, it will shrink by about 10 inches. (I did this once and had to buy a replacement belt).

I've seen a side by side comparison of the Eosin Panther and my belt, and feel that they are similar in quality, with the Eosin having even better and straighter stitching.

The worn down look would look cool if I was a black belt. As a purple belt, I think it just make me look like I've been stuck at my belt for a long time- and am being too lazy to do the work to get promoted haha.

ThinkAlpha - 
Archie Graham -
ChrisBJJ -
Akston - 
Archie Graham - You're no better than TKD 13 year old black belts if you care to have your name on it. VTFD Phone Post

Fucking Mendes brothers and that douche marcelo garcia Phone Post


LOL VTFD!! Phone Post

And what rank are you. We don't EVER address black belts like that... Unless you're behind a keyboard apparently. Phone Post 3.0

When I read this and voted him up I thought he was being sarcastic, seeing as Mendes and Garcia are the farthest thing away from douches.

omoplautistic - I have a eosin panther black belt.

It's a beautiful belt but after a year the edges are worn like crazy so that the core is showing through giving it white edges in some spots.

Not totally sure how I feel about that yet. Phone Post 3.0

I love mine and it is getting frayed as well. I have had it for about 2 years. Im ok with it tho :)

and I dont wash it.  But I train 2 hrs / day, 3-5 times per week

I have one of these with "as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another" embroidered on the end - BJJ BB Phone Post

I have 'Cuddles' on mine.