BJJ/Grappling Leagues?

Hey guys, I'm new to the form, but I've been messing around with an idea in my head that I really wanted to get some other people's point of view on, or really to see if it's being done anywhere else.

Is anyone doing a JiuJitsu/Grappling league?  Basically in the same context as a bowling/golf league but just done with grappling?  People would form teams based on skill/experience level, and then a head to head schedule would be made up for an agreed upon period of time (guessing around 6 weeks) and then everyweek on the different teams would compete against one another head to head based on weight classes.  So Team A would go against Team B, Team C against Team D, etc.  The matches would be based on closest weight (Team A has a guy that weighs 167lbs, so he would go against Team B's guy that weighs 175lbs)

Each week your team would face a different team, and at the end you would declare the team champions, as well as the top performers throughout the season.  

Is this being done anywhere?  Would people be interested if something like this got setup in your area?  Also, any other recommendations?

Sounds cool.

Some likely difficulties you will have to overcome:

Logistics. Unless you are in a big population zone, travel and travel expenses are a barrier. But in SoCal that would not be a big deal.

Some schools might balk on the basis that managment does not want to risk getting routed and then perhaps losing students as a result.

Way back when I participated in a couple school vs. school events. I enjoyed them.

I believe Glover was trying to get something similar going with his Sunday Rollout events Phone Post 3.0