BJJ Poem (Types of Rollers)

Jujitsu is a lifetime journey that will make you slick
But every road has some dicks,

Most people you meet are helpful and kind
But among lifelong friends you will find,

The killer roll, fighter to the death
But once on bottom he’s out of breath,

When passing and on top he is keen
To break your neck and rip out your spleen,

But come reversal his bright spirit now damp
All of sudden gassed, he has a ‘cramp’.

The master instructor, God of the mat
From the sideline he coaches, he sees them tap,

A beacon of advice he is bonafide
To be your leader, to be your guide,

What’s wrong with this? That sounds alright…
But this all-knowing deity is a two striped white.

The doctor’s visit when slapping hands will say
My arms, legs, neck, back and head are hurt by the way,

Hey it happens it’s a contact sport
But when the roll begins that’s an afterthought,

Like a bull he charges into mount,
On the off chance he was tapped, he just didn’t want it to count.

The dicktuck sits on the opposite side
He’s no bull, he’s a ninja who in the shadows does hide,

Attempting to catch his eye once wrestling has begun,
Is like trying to stare directly into the sun.

Swift moves and dodges he tucks that dick
Only rolling you if you’re ranked white, or a chick.

There are many highs on this road, and they are sweet
But these are just a few lows that you will meet,

This is just a bit of fun, an fyi
So get training today, just don’t be ‘that guy’.

Thought some of you bjj guys might get a kick outa ma poem.

I bet your road has a lot of dicks.

Letibleu - 

I bet your road has a lot of dicks.

I don't think I've ever used the VU function on this forum. I did now.