BJJ prospects in MMA?

The Acorn - I really hope Gary Tonon gives it a try. The dudes a beast. Phone Post 3.0
Tonon does nothing but go for the kill the entire time. 0 fucks about points positions are given, I'd love to see him in MMA Phone Post 3.0

Rodolfo Vieira recently indicated that he's interested in giving mma a shot.

Ary Farias gave up bjj and has started fighting. Phone Post 3.0

I really think Ryan Hall is going to go far. He is doing things right - taking smart fights, learning the striking game from the ground up, working with high level pros and not fogetting about his BJJ on the way up. I think he'll turn heads one day.  



Ridgeback -
Brian McLaughlin - 

I really think Ryan Hall is going to go far. He is doing things right - taking smart fights, learning the striking game from the ground up, working with high level pros and not fogetting about his BJJ on the way up. I think he'll turn heads one day.  



Agreed.  Or at least I think he has the best chances of doing well out of all the BJJ people because he is doing everything the right way.  

Agree. He is taking MMA training very seriously; and his striking is coming along nicely. He has invested quite a bit of time away from his home and school to come here and train and is putting good work in. He clearly is not assuming that since he grapples well that he will automatically excel in fighting. Unfortunately, I think he is already starting to have trouble finding fights that make sense (which seems to happen to a lot of good prospects). Phone Post 3.0

Larry the Fisherman - Nothing says mixed martial arts prowess like wrestling in pajamas and giving respect to their master. I'm sure they'll all do great.
Please no one else feed this freshly created troll account. Phone Post 3.0

Brian McLaughlin -

I really think Ryan Hall is going to go far. He is doing things right - taking smart fights, learning the striking game from the ground up, working with high level pros and not fogetting about his BJJ on the way up. I think he'll turn heads one day.  



Id love to see that dude do well. Such a smart cat. Has he got a fight lined up? Phone Post 3.0

Larry the Fisherman - Nothing says mixed martial arts prowess like wrestling in pajamas and giving respect to their master. I'm sure they'll all do great.
You're a dummy Phone Post 3.0

Seats Taken - 
The Acorn - I really hope Gary Tonon gives it a try. The dudes a beast. Phone Post 3.0
Tonon does nothing but go for the kill the entire time. 0 fucks about points positions are given, I'd love to see him in MMA Phone Post 3.0

Fuck forgot about gary
I reckon gary'd do better than kron

Ridgeback -
Brian McLaughlin - 

I really think Ryan Hall is going to go far. He is doing things right - taking smart fights, learning the striking game from the ground up, working with high level pros and not fogetting about his BJJ on the way up. I think he'll turn heads one day.  



Agreed.  Or at least I think he has the best chances of doing well out of all the BJJ people because he is doing everything the right way.  

Agree. He is taking MMA training very seriously; and his striking is coming along nicely. He has invested quite a bit of time away from his home and school to come here and train and is putting good work in. He clearly is not assuming that since he grapples well that he will automatically excel in fighting. Unfortunately, I think he is already starting to have trouble finding fights that make sense (which seems to happen to a lot of good prospects). Phone Post 3.0
Didn't he start out kickboxing? Or am I thinking of someone else?

from what I say he's super intelligent and progressive, so I can't imagine him thinking he can make it in MMA just with his grappling. Phone Post 3.0

flemingo -
Seats Taken - 
The Acorn - I really hope Gary Tonon gives it a try. The dudes a beast. Phone Post 3.0
Tonon does nothing but go for the kill the entire time. 0 fucks about points positions are given, I'd love to see him in MMA Phone Post 3.0

Fuck forgot about gary
I reckon gary'd do better than kron
Ronin is entering mma? Phone Post 3.0

Justin Reader could go far with his wrestling pedigree Phone Post 3.0

Rader Phone Post 3.0

Marcin Held is one of the best at finishing fights with bjj esp leg locks, he is still young also. Phone Post 3.0

the sad truth is most BJJ champions havto dedicate so much of their training to sport specific tactics the change over to mma wont work at the highest level..

for sure exceptions to the rule
maia, jacare etc

the next up on my list of high level guys making a good go

young kid from the jacare art suave video's thats gone on to do well in the GI but moved on to mma.. Busy grinidng there so you dont hear much unless looking for him but he's gonna do well.

most good mma BJJ fighters are not close the top in sport bjj as its evolved into a game of its own.. but the art still works when used right

Beneil Dariush has been doing well for himself

Larry the Fisherman - Nothing says mixed martial arts prowess like wrestling in pajamas and giving respect to their master. I'm sure they'll all do great.
My guess is Mrs Larry the fisherwoman is fucking a black belt Phone Post 3.0

Ryan Hall is a really brilliant martial artist. He studies the disciplines and really "gets" them. He's the only pure BJJ guy I ever met who I felt really "got" wrestling at a deep level.

Max Bohanan is another guy coming up to watch out for. He's Ricardo Almeida's protege and is a BJJ world champ and Golden Glove boxer.

well the key poiny here is none of the guys listed are world beater sport BJJ guys all very good but not the top top tier ala buchecha, mendez, rodolfo etc

i think to do that and cross over to mma is a bridge to far to cross without taking a serious look at you tactics and strategies.. more than half the guards used to dominate in sport bjj will get you done badly in mma vs a quality opponent.

i think hall's recent interviews back this up if you listen he realizes to make the change you gotta make a change

Sub Phone Post 3.0

Claude Patrick - well the key poiny here is none of the guys listed are world beater sport BJJ guys all very good but not the top top tier ala buchecha, mendez, rodolfo etc

i think to do that and cross over to mma is a bridge to far to cross without taking a serious look at you tactics and strategies.. more than half the guards used to dominate in sport bjj will get you done badly in mma vs a quality opponent.

i think hall's recent interviews back this up if you listen he realizes to make the change you gotta make a change

Hall isn't on quite that level, but is pretty damn good.