BJ's Chin.....ridiculous

It looked like Sherk was throwing some pretty decent leather. Quick, crisp with some mustard on it. I know he wasn't getting the better of those exchanges but it looked like he popped BJ with a couple and BJ looked like nothing had happened.

I think his chin and ability to not get cut are unreal. I don't think i've ever seen more than a small mouse on his face after a fight.

Add that to the fact that skill-wise he's leaps and bounds beyond nearly everyone, and that makes for one scary man.

BJ will be the WW champ within a year.

same here...

BJ will spank Hughes so badly now. Rubber match? Tune up at 170 before he faces the Juggernaut?

GSP vs. BJ will be a war.

It will be a classic Juggernaut vs. Hulk match IMO.

NeckCranks - It looked like Sherk was throwing some pretty decent leather. Quick, crisp with some mustard on it. I know he wasn't getting the better of those exchanges but it looked like he popped BJ with a couple and BJ looked like nothing had happened.

I think his chin and ability to not get cut are unreal. I don't think i've ever seen more than a small mouse on his face after a fight.

Add that to the fact that skill-wise he's leaps and bounds beyond nearly everyone, and that makes for one scary man.

BJ will be the WW champ within a year.

that's from years and years of eating Zippy's chili

 So many people talk trash on BJ.  Just haters I guess...but what they don't understand is that BJ Penn is an MMA freak.  It's like the guy is from another planet or something.  He always brings the fight and is evolving faster than any other fighter out there.  Give the lil Hawaiian props, man...he deserves it.

At this point, if BJ hasn't earned your respect as a top fighter then something is wrong with your brain.



BJ is a freak of MMA.

That was a great showing.

BJ got cracked a few times last night and nobody noticed or mentioned it because it doesn't phase him and it doesn't leave a mark. He's more than likely not human.

does not being human count as cheating? lol

Penn's chin is great.But to me it is his frigging steel skin.Has he ever been cut before?

I'm not really a BJ fan, but there is no denying his abilities, i would't count him out in a fight with anyone, at any weight.

He does seem to have a granite chin or at least a great ability to roll with and absorb punches.

As far as his lack of cuts, that is no mystery. His face is as round as a bowling ball. There are no sharp ridges or surfaces. This leads to a decrease in cuts. Take a look at Ali, he also had the same situation. Though Ali's face looks like a Dungeons and Dragons 20-sided die compared to BJ's.

on the side note, it says he lost 4 times. i can name hughes, pulver, and gsp. who's the 4th???

the rankings are pretty tarded

penn was #1 at 155 before he beat. he would own gomi again.

penn would own hughes.

only challenge to bj is gsp. only challenge to gsp is penn.

they put serra #1 with a fluke win over gsp? who did serra beat before gps? exactly.

lelo - he lost to machida at HW lol

Yeah, Penn has a good chin. But, I don't think many of Sherk's punches landed with much power. They were all at the end of his 'snap'. Not much behind those. Now if he would have connected those elbows he was throwing early in the first round .....

In all seriousness he has a very round head/face and not much of a chin to hit! The guy is #1 right now, no mistake about it, unreal skills, tough as hell. Diaz would be a great fight.

c'mon now, who's the fourth?

I think a couple of those shots, while not buzzing BJ, definitely caught his attention and made him a little more serious.

 I have to admit i just cant take to BJ, i think it is becuase he looks like a cabbage patch doll.......................

I was gonna make the same thread....

BJ penn is one of the only fighters I have never seen bleeding or rocked