Black FRIDAY @ Kicks/HI

did anybody go?

Frikken $225. shoes for $60.

some of the NIKE limited editions were $30.

I ended up buying 7 pairs of shoes.

Oh Brother!

i now have a $107 fuji finepix from shirokiya doorbuster. and as you like to say in japanese faggotry ;)


Went to walmart at 630 am.

You wanna talk mico's? TONS up here except they all speak spanish.

The sales were bananas!

I bought a dishwasher......& she even spoke english!

      WHAT A BARGIN !!

just came from 711. we have been taken over. repeat: taken over. :(

401 is the reason I'm able to enjoy TV again. Chenque!

401 is also the KING of line cutting! Hahahahaha!!

^^^#401 is NOT a line cutter! I'm deeply offended!

I'm a: Certified Line Position Advancement Technician

A line cutter is: Razor Blade;)