BLAF: click it or ticket

to the top for dana to buckle up!


BLAF is STILL not wearing a seat belt. Dude has 3 adorable kids. They need their daddy.


Come on, BLAF.

 He's BLAF, cars get wrecked by crashing into HIM, not the other way around.

 Zed you are by far my fav poster.

Daddy Dragon-CountryBoy'd Me - 
frederic - Do you wanna be a fucking fatality?

 genuine lol.

genuine lol that the original got deleted. I think Harlem's partiality to his friend was to blame for it.

 Someone should post the video vlog that dana made of him putting on his seat belt and saying.. there you fuckers go.. now shut the fuck up, or whatever he said lol 

 Took me a while but I am in.

UGCTT_RickStorm -  Someone should post the video vlog that dana made of him putting on his seat belt and saying.. there you fuckers go.. now shut the fuck up, or whatever he said lol 
I think that's probably a casualty of the great Loretta Hunt vlog purge. There was another one a year or so before that where he was riding around with an open bottle. We went nucking futs. In a following vlog, he showed that the bottle was root beer. Then he told us to STFU. Was awesome.

Mix6APlix -  Lol @ anyone who gives a shit whether or not Dana wears his seatbelt. Hes an adult he can do as he pleases.

Loved the fatality comment btw. Phone Post
Of course he can. He's an adult and shouldn't be required by law to buckle up.

He's also a father, and I'm appealing to that role to take his well being seriously. I've spent the last 11 years raising two kids who lost their mother in a car accident. They deserve their mother. BLAF's kids deserve their father.

He's also public figure, and I'm appealing to that role to promote the right values and not promote detrimental habits (albeit one I do think should be legal).

What he can do and what he should do are not the same. I hope to persuade BLAF that buckling up is a good thing for himself, his family, and his community. I'm not trying to coerce him or anyone else by using the power of the state to infringe upen on an individual choice. Moral and legal are not the same concept.

 My car has an automatic seatbelt that operates when the door closes.. I'll offer a trade for it, straight up.

Think of the children, Dana.

Mix6APlix - I've never understood the 'he's a public figure, so he has to be a paragon of things virtuous and conduct himself as a holy figure' POV.

I don't either. I remember when Barkley made his (in)famous claim to not be a role model. I thought it was genious, especially the part about fathers being the ones who should be, not sports figures. Charles was not tossing aside responsibility; rather, he was challenging others to accept theirs. My friends all thought I was nuts. Time has proven him largely correct.

That aside, I am trying to persuade him that he should make a change of his own free will, not that he should do so from public pressure or legal intervention. I believe in persuasion, not coercion, and this is how it is done. up!!!


Why Dana should be wearing his FUCKING seatbelt, especially if he has a history of doing this:

UFC President Dana White was involved in a minor car accident this morning in Las Vegas and shared a photo of his wrecked Ferrari on Twitter, writing “This how my day is going. Hope all of you are having a better day than me!!!“.

Dana White Car Wreck

^^^ forgot about that

 $159.00 fine in Ca for first time offense.  ;-(