book on diet

Can someone recommend one book on diet, something that focuses on what I should eat.

I want to cut all the junk food out of my diet.

I learned the basics for my nutrition reading Body For Life.

There are a lot of resources and ideas on what the "correct diet" is...

Other resources i've seen that are similar are "Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle (Ebook) or "Abs Diet"

The biggest thing that changed my eating habits was to prepare my food ahead of time so I never had an excuse to eat crap.

Good luck :)

thanks, i'll check it out.

Warrior Diet

Paleo Diet

I used "Power Eating". It's pretty muched aimed towards body builders, weight lifters & football players. It did helped me create a safe diet plan for losing & cutting without losing strength. Also helped me understand that fats are not bad. Honestly it's a good starter book but it might be a little outdated.

A few things I don't agree with the author. Because of my personal believes.

-She praises soy & claims it to have a complete amino acid profile.

-Prefers her reader to cut out egg yolks because of the saturated fat.

-She relays on plenty of dairy for protein.

-Limit fish oil supplement to no more than 1tsp a day.

Paleo Diet For ATheltes is the most complete diet book im yet to come across

SJFou - Paleo Diet For ATheltes is the most complete diet book im yet to come across

Great book.