Brendan Schaub talks COVID-19



Dumb and dumber


Ahh yea, the Flu "kills more". Corona killed more people in 2 months in the US than the flu does on average in an entire year.

What a dumb fuck.


Reddit is thinking they got it...

The audio of the podcast is usually uploaded hours ago. Brandon, Callen, Theo, Nick, Chin, and Kat haven't posted anything today. Not even his usual "Studio kicks" IG post.
Joey said some comics on the road got COVID and we are about to hear about it. Some cat said that they got tested on Monday in the studio. Whatever is going on, this is extremely unusual. There was another thread similar to this one that he deleted for some reason. If they really do have it then we are in for some quality backpedaling or weird justification.
If I'm off on this and wrong, then so be it. But like I said it seriously appears as though something strange is going on here. Time will tell, bro's.
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Schaub's last video -

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Never would have guessed that Rogan and his goonsquad would be COVID-19 deniers.

Especially Callen.

Some of these comics are likely running out of money needed to pay for their overpriced large single family homes in California. And they make their living literally gathering a bunch of people in crowded small buildings where everyone over-respirates due to laughter.

Joey Diaz claims some comics who were trying to do shows are now COVID-19 positive, see around 1min mark here:


The test doesn’ mean shit, just means you have a protein that shows your body has had some stress

lots of people get sick on airplanes

Who fucking cares if they were positive…

people are sending in swabs with no DNA on them and getting positive results

People are skipping test appointments and being sent a message their test(that they never took) came back positive

It means fuck all

If they are hospitalized or dead then it means something

they are mainly douchebags so I am not sticking up for them, these are just the facts

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(insert curb your enthusiasm theme)

Card - 

(insert curb your enthusiasm theme)

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I'm never for cancel culture but if there was ever a guy that needed some dirt released about him it's Schaub, the expert of everything.



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Hahaa dumbasses 

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Card -


it is pretty funny tho

Bring on herd immunity IMO

Who cares about positive tests? Isnt the more important statistic hospitalizations and deaths?

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Yo that Kat girl is cute.

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danybayamon23 - 

Yo that Kat girl is cute.


I looked for her instagram awhile back…she is charming

I am still watching this fighter and the kid because she is easy not the eyes

I haven’t listened to or watched this podcast for probably 2 years

Rambo John J -
danybayamon23 - 

Yo that Kat girl is cute.


I looked for her instagram awhile back…she is charming

I am still watching this fighter and the kid because she is easy not the eyes

I haven’t listened to or watched this podcast for probably 2 years

I know it’s fun to hate on them here because of how cool we are, but I listen to them frequently. If you don’t take them too seriously they’re usually enjoyable.

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I wish him well “papa”


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