Brendan Schaub talks COVID-19

Hybrid Elite -

Who cares about positive tests? Isnt the more important statistic hospitalizations and deaths?

Because positive tests means more people can spread it and increase the hospital count, and we as a country have a limited number of ICU beds.They typically go hand and hand but it seems like the strain that is out right now in the summer is weaker but if it mutates again which it likely will, we could be in trouble. 

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Sir Psycho Sexy -
Hybrid Elite -

Who cares about positive tests? Isnt the more important statistic hospitalizations and deaths?

You mean the deaths from all causes that are labelled coronavirus? 25% of covid labelled deaths in NYC aren't even tested. They're just assumed. 

that was EXTREMELY early on where testing wasn't as available as it is today, if you talk to mose medical experts they will tell you the domestic number of deaths is likely over 120k and I don't think anyone with a brain will argue the world wide number is MUCH MUCH HIGHER than what is being reported when you factor in 3rd world countries and others like China who just flat out lie about the number dead.

Nytron -

Brendan paid thousands of dollars to have multiple vitamin IV bags to fast track his recovery.

We'll never heard the end of it on how he got over it in supposedly three days.

Because everyone is young, a former professional athelete, and has access to vitamin IV bags from a private concierge care california doctor.

depends who you get em from, I get IVs all the time and NAD like every 3-4 weeks but one of my best friends run a big clinic and gives everything to me for cost and sometimes free. We will go on trips with like 10 of us for 5 nights and bring 50-60 traditional bags.

NAD I’d do regardless of cost, to me I’d rather spend money on my health than materialistic things. Typically NAD in Beverly Hills is $1,200, in Vegas where my friends clinic is they do $1,000, cost is around $200 but I get a crap load of other vitamins in a second bag so the actual cost a month for me is like $300-400. Point is you don’t need to be uber rich to take care of yourself, you can either make it a priority in your life or network and make the right connections. 

Mandible_Claw - 

Callen has it too now.

I saw Bryan Callen joking about having it and said he is “pending positive”. So technically he has not tested positive?

Card -

He just posted this... 


This is what’s wrong in the United States 

It’s not shocking to hear that BS is an idiot. It just confirms everything I’ve heard come out of his mouth before, SON. 

Nytron -

Brendan paid thousands of dollars to have multiple vitamin IV bags to fast track his recovery.

We'll never heard the end of it on how he got over it in supposedly three days.

Because everyone is young, a former professional athelete, and has access to vitamin IV bags from a private concierge care california doctor.

Zero evidence of vitamin supplementation doing anything. 

Schaub's stand up must be something to die for!

dukeflyingcow -
Card -

He just posted this... 


This is what’s wrong in the United States 

Virus-wise or just in general?

Rambla -

Schaub's stand up must something to die for!

I saw one of his sets live once by accident and I can confirm it is not

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Mynameisburns -
Mandible_Claw - 

Callen has it too now.

I saw Bryan Callen joking about having it and said he is “pending positive”. So technically he has not tested positive?

Does pending positive mean he was just tested? I was confused by that as well but when he warned fans who came in contact with him he made it sound like he had it.

my god that guy is such a twat. How anyone can like him is beyond me,

I wouldn’t put Schaub above faking he has it for clout/bragging rights/“I told you it wasn’t bad” story. Let’s not forget his harrowing pill addiction story where he said he was taking up to six pills a day! :wink:

Schaub infected his producer Chin. He acted surprised about how contagious it was because Chin was in an I closed room with him but more than 6 feet away. Schaub has been touching his fans and riding planes. His only regret was losing childcare for a couple of weeks as a result. He signs off by telling everyone to be safe.