Old but gold...
Old but gold...
coulda taken gun while under mount
These aren't typical cops lol
he didn't get choked out though?
No choke out. Cool video but complete fail with the thread title.
Lights Out Lurker -OP is one of those idiots that think that anytime someone gets put in a choke they got "choked out".
OP just got choked out.
This is why it isn’t a good idea to train cops. Notice how they assaulted him before he ever posed a threat.
That was a case of police brutality, plain and simple, as well as a false arrest.
Due process.
lol @ "choked out"
Lookes like he just tapped to be nice and let them finish.
Looks like he has experience with handcuffs. He popped them
Right to the front like a monkey.
Say what you want about the exercise... Ortega straight MURDERED the outro in one take under stress!
What a hot shit.
Don't think BJJ would've done Stephon Clark any good vs 2 cops an their 20 bullets...
Lights Out Lurker -OP is one of those idiots that think that anytime someone gets put in a choke they got "choked out".
So sorry for miss labelling this vid...aftrr you stop crying go fuck yourself you righteous wanker.
saigonBJJ -Don't think BJJ would've done Stephon Clark any good vs 2 cops an their 20 bullets...
Pfft... You've never seen a well timed berimbolo. Go back to the other end of the mats, you one-stripe white belt.