Brian Shaw to compete in MMA?

Well he was supposed to fight that Iranian Hulk guy that was really just a photoshopped fat guy and that fell through due to the fat guy.

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I imagine these big guys will gas well before 3 minutes.

Yeah good point, i’d totally forgotten about that. I guess its not entirely Fords fault he hasnt fought yet.

He was supposed to fight in KSW originally I think, perfect place for roided up freakshows, not sure why that fell through.

Lol should be a laugh.

oberst wrecks them all

I have seen him rough up The Beast a couple times when they were just messing around but Hall had nothing for Shaw once he got his weight on him.

Shaw seems too genuinely nice to be an effective fighter.

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Lets not forget how shit the boxing mach was between Eddie Hall and that larger game of thrones guy!

Eddie did EXACTLY what I expected, throwing huge haymakers early then knackering himself, to allow a more technical guy to utilise his length behind a 1-2.

Im so, so old…

any details on this?

Give him Bob Sapp

He should fight Pudzianowski in KSW. Shaw came close to tying him for most wins. At this point, not sure if anybody will win 5. Mitch Hooper is a beast though.

Interesting facts though. Pudzianowski could’ve won 7 titles. I’m pretty sure that he got disqualified for doing coke for one event, then narrowly lost to Phil Phister in another.

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GIF by Giphy QA


$300M in prize money listed on their website and they got less than 2k instagram subscribers. Amazing.

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Watched that yesterday. Seems like the promotors were more talk than action.

In what was a surprise to many, the mma promotion that no one ever heard of did not have $300 million on hand.