Brian Shaw to compete in MMA?

As much as I like him I am beyond fucking sick of this freakshow BS! The problem is this happens because our Idiocracy of a society will pay for it.

It’s in the same league if not worse than the Paul brother BS. Whatever, I won’t watch and damn sure won’t pay a cent. I remember a time when people respected someones dedication to their craft and status as they fought their way up the ranks.

If UFC didn’t have the 265lb limit, Brock would still be defending the heavyweight championship

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Good point. Lesnar was legit 295 jacked to the gills. Had a neck like a tree trunk.

If he could stay fit he would do some serious damage. The guys kicks are like bombs. Not sure how he planned to navigate usada tho

Midget refs

Yeah right.

Brock went 5-3-0-1 over nine years and retired. There is no evidence he was willing to fight for fifteen or twenty plus years like say Overeem or Fedor.

He won the UFC HW title from a 45 year old former LHW when he had the advantage of being 290 lbs on fight night and he was still only 31 years old.

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0 fighting ability and hits lighter than a chick! LOL Put him against any athlete and this steroid monster gets put to sleep!

He is fighting in a tourny with three other strongmen in Qatar in Feb…supposedly.

Remember Jimmy Ambritz (sp?) this thread reminded me of him.


I love a good freak show.

Martyn Ford still hasnt done shit and he was talking about it and posting training videos starting like 5 years ago. Hopefully Brian actually does something for real.

He is fighting with Eddie Hall in Qatar and a couple other strongmen in a four man tourny in Feb. Three, three minute rounds is what they said.

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Well he was supposed to fight that Iranian Hulk guy that was really just a photoshopped fat guy and that fell through due to the fat guy.

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I imagine these big guys will gas well before 3 minutes.

Yeah good point, i’d totally forgotten about that. I guess its not entirely Fords fault he hasnt fought yet.

He was supposed to fight in KSW originally I think, perfect place for roided up freakshows, not sure why that fell through.

Lol should be a laugh.

oberst wrecks them all

I have seen him rough up The Beast a couple times when they were just messing around but Hall had nothing for Shaw once he got his weight on him.

Shaw seems too genuinely nice to be an effective fighter.

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