I know his return isn't set in stone, but with Brock being th all time draw for the ufc. Do you guys think it would be smart to put him as a Fox main event seeing as he is a huge draw even with a pay wall ? If all this happens I see them pulling in at least 1.5 m viewers. Due to how great the wwe ratings are
Roy Nelson Vs Brock Lesnar on FOX would pull massive viewers and boost Brocks stock after he wins
So you think they would mAke more money from Ppv due or fox. With fox as you said they'd get more viewers but with PvP they'd get money for every view. So how does sponsorship work in terms of payment for viewers
So fox gets all the sponsorship money from commercials as well...
KingMeNow - So fox gets all the sponsorship money from commercials as well...I think you're right, since it's Fox that's selling the advertising space. The UFC will do an ad for a sponsor (ie: Cain is going Metro), but they get paid upfront for putting thier name on that endorsement, there wouldn't be an additional payment each time it airs. Same as mat graphics. They get paid by Xyience, the logo goes on the mat, end of story.
So the real profit of making a Brock fight on Fox would be new viewers - can they hype it enough to attract a large number of future PPV buyers?
My personal thought: if Dana could talk Vince McMahon into letting the UFC hype the upcoming fight during Monday Night Raw for a few weeks before, they could pull some really big numbers out of that market.