to take that kind of beating from SHANE CARWIN and gut it out to win by submission, that man has a chin of steel and more heart than anyone. my respect for him has gone up ten fold.
he ran for his life and Shane gassed out
Barry_BondsMVP - he ran for his life and Shane gassed out
You're a moran
he took a beating on the ground, and i have no hate towards shane, but stop making excuses for the guy. brock did what any sane man would have done after taking a shot like that. and its shanes fault for gassing, not really a good excuse on your part. so STFU
holly9000 -Barry_BondsMVP - he ran for his life and Shane gassed out
You're a moran
you know he covered up after that uppercut and took off running lol
Barry_BondsMVP -holly9000 -Barry_BondsMVP - he ran for his life and Shane gassed out
You're a moran
you know he covered up after that uppercut and took off running lol
yeah the same uppercut that tends to knock fuckers out
he took all carwin had and still got up
Barry_BondsMVP -holly9000 -Barry_BondsMVP - he ran for his life and Shane gassed out
You're a moran
you know he covered up after that uppercut and took off running lol
wtf would you have done, stood there and get ko'd? stfu you idiot. brock beat your guy, DEAL WITH IT.
thirdleg - What are you talking about? All Carwin has to do is land a tiny punch and it's lights out for Cock Losenar!
-TUF Noobs
I;ve got 28 days on you so I have seniority! Lesanr got nailed by punches that have finished all over Carwin's opponents, Brock came back from it and won. Don't be a hater, he is legit!