BROCK vs. FEDOR almost happened this year

  1. However, Fedor's dad died and then he said he was officially done. And then Brock said he was done. I can't do the story justice. Mind blown

  2. Dana just dropped an unbelievable story how they were thiiis close to coming to terms with Fedor on a deal to fight Brock at Cowboy Stadium


D241 - 

That's what I'm saying....hope it still happens

We heard all about this at the Seattle meet and greet :)

They were on the verge of signing the fight when Fedor called Dana to say he's retiring after a few close family members passed away.

Dana said he never talks anyone out of retiring, they know their bodies and minds better than anyone.

I should say that they were on the verge because they had both verbally agreed.

the geek - I should say that they were on the verge because they had both verbally agreed.

fuck, shoulda sent nick the gap on a red eye to Russia to get that inked

EvilEye - 
the geek - We heard all about this at the Seattle meet and greet :)

Not only that but I tweeted it to Ariel about 20 mins after Dana said it. Phone Post

Damn slipped through the cracks. Should be your breaking story!

EvilEye - 
the geek - We heard all about this at the Seattle meet and greet :)

Not only that but I tweeted it to Ariel about 20 mins after Dana said it. Phone Post

I was so surprised no one commented that on here or on my thread after the M&G.

gamer - Yeah, I really believe everything Dana says lol

Wow, insightful.

ThatKickDidntHuroooohhhhhhhh - 

my thoughts exactly.....

Dana seemed a little tired. Maybe the meds are talkin?

If u believe that shit you are retarded Phone Post

MyUnclesCreepy - 

If u believe that shit you are retarded Phone Post

Well then color me retarded.

the geek - 
MyUnclesCreepy - 

If u believe that shit you are retarded Phone Post

Well then color me retarded.


Fuck I wish fedor didn't retire Phone Post

unfilter -
the geek - 
MyUnclesCreepy -  If u believe that shit you are retarded Phone Post

Well then color me retarded.


HAHAHA Phone Post

Fuck! Verbally agreed and everything!!!! Phone Post

Wish this could've happened right after UFC 100, when Brock seemed unstoppable and Fedor hadn't been handed those Strikeforce losses. Phone Post