Bruce Lee fans WTF?

Bruce Lee's movies were a little past my time. However, I'm really starting to get into them and into Bruce Lee. I think everyone agrees that he was a revolutionary martial artist and way ahead of his time... but the delusion of his fans is staggering. When I was watching the EA sports "play as Bruce Lee" trailer, the TOP comments were mindblowing. Not even comments I cherry picked, the top 3 liked comments in descending order of likes 

(1) "All of you in the comments against Bruce Lee saying he would get done in UFC is absolute bullshit. Why will he get done? Because of his weight? His height? No! This guy could probably kill anyone from one punch. He was so fast. He was so powerful. He was a lethal weapon. The thing with Bruce, he doesn't care about how much people weigh or how tall they are or who they are or even the quantity of people. Because unlike you people, Bruce thinks with his mind, not his eyes. He believes in himself, that is why he won't loose. No one can, and no one could beat him. He'll be too quick for them, and he isn't weak. You try and do 200 pull-ups with one hand. You try and lift a barbell with hand. Do what Bruce Lee did. Then you'll see the true power of this man." 

(2) "Imagine Bruce Lee (in his prime) fighting in the UFC today ... He'd f*ck everyone up. His speed, power, & agility would be too much for these guys. This man was NOT human. I repeat. NOT human.?"

(3) "Bullshit bruce lee would kick every ass of the mma fighters in our time"

I often wonder how far his fans would take his greatness. Next time you encounter a fan ask them these following questions:
a) Could Bruce Lee beat any UFC fighter at his weight? - if yes go to (b)
b) Could Bruce Lee beat any UFC fighter at ANY weight? - if yes go to (c)
c) Could Bruce Lee beat 2 UFC fighters at any weight at the same time? - if yes go to (d)
d) Could Bruce Lee beat 5 UFC fighters at any weight at the same tmie? etc. etc. etc.

The way peple build him up really helps me understand religion. 

I'd rather listen to another 20 years of Mcnoobs than listen to 5 minutes of the bullshit they come out with. I had a Bruce Lee fan tell me with a serious face he'd beat Tyson and Ali in boxing.

OP prepare your anus...

He is the lone standing pillar of the traditional martial arts myth of absolute combat dominance.

Miguel cro cop - I'd rather listen to another 20 years of Mcnoobs than listen to 5 minutes of the bullshit they come out with. I had a Bruce Lee fan tell me with a serious face he'd beat Tyson and Ali in boxing.

Now that's a new one. 

He'd probably beat Marcelo Garcia and Rafael Mendes in BJJ too

I murk niggas online with that fool in the UFC game. I'm that dude that doesn't understand the ground game and just selects Bruce Lee and spams kicks.

he could fight caceras 

I think if he'd have been in early UFC we'd have had one of those bubble bursting realization moments. He'd have been standing across the octagon from Tank Abbott and people would have been like "This fat guy aint gonna land a punch on him, Bruce is too fast"



10 seconds later he would have been an unconscious heap on the floor. 

Bruce Lee would blitz one shot 99% of UFC fighters, one inch punch KO


the other 1% he wouldnt fight due to sheer numericals

If there has been a UFC tournament at that time I think he would have been successful, but if you look at the difference in levels between the start of the UFC to now and then factor in how long before that he was alive it's just silly to compare a martial artist/actor to today's athletes.

That said he was way ahead of his time a revolutionary martial artist and a icon 



'(2) "Imagine Bruce Lee (in his prime) fighting in the UFC today ... He'd f*ck everyone up. His speed, power, & agility would be too much for these guys. This man was NOT human. I repeat. NOT human.?"'

LOL - that sounds exactly like a reverse of the deleted Trial scene from Natural Born Killers where is Mickey is defending himself over the murder of the JKD guy..

That you must be NOT Human to beat Bruce Lee.

Goto about 4:50mins in:

If Bruce got his ass kicked in ufc1, you'd better believe he's be much better prepared the next time he entered the octagon.
If you know anything about Bruce Lee, you know he had an incredible work ethic.
He'd have done well in anything he wanted.

It's sad he died so young. He was hugely popular and loved fighting and fighting styles, new innovating techniques. I personally believe he would have created the first mainstream mixed mixed martial arts competitions (UFC'S, Prides etc... ) plus be involved in the leading edge and evolution of action movies

Are you 15 or something?

The video of Bruce Lee flailing at a punch bag and of him sparring were disappointing for a life long fan.


He is still the man, but he wasnt beating any real fighters

Bruce Lee would have been too dangerous for UFC.

He's the greatest martial artist that ever lived period, get over it.

BL's skills were thus:

1. Ability to do a 'quick kill' using eye attacks to set up a kill. He would not be allowed to use his 'x-rated' kill in three seconds methods in the cage/octagon/UFC arena. Therefore he would not have competed, could not be compelled to compete.

2. He had very, very low 'durability'. He was rather fragile, had poor eyesight, had one leg shorter than the other so had some structural problems. His 'chin' was untested. Therefore, unless there was a real REASON to fight in the ring/cage/octagon/ufc arena, such as to save the life of his child or to save his own life, he would not have competed. He would be in the same situation as a person needing to used 'deadly force', knowing that if convicted he'd be jailed.

3. He did not like to be touched. This is evidenced by comments made by Jesse Glover (private emails), James DeMile, and Dan Inosanto (published interviews). Thus he would not have 'come back better prepared if he lost in the UFC1, because he could not have handled this aversion to being touched to the point of learning BJJ or wrestling.

4. He had a severe ego problem. We talk about his philosophy and his desire to be in control of himself, but he could not have allowed himself to be 'submitted' by fellow students on the way to getting skill in BJJ, or wrestling (or any other range/venue). James DeMile talks about his temper when he accidentally clipped BL on the chin while sparing. DeMile says he had a firearm in his pocket and he was fearful that BL would kill him, such was his anger at being 'clipped' and he was moments away from feeling he'd have to shoot BL. Now, even IF this story is embellished, the point is, the ego and temper would have precluded BL from getting additional skill in fighting.

His real ability was to bring out the best in people, to show them the way to improve, yes partly by example. But he had his weaknesses and strengths and knew what those were and avoided the weaknesses. He would have made a pretty good coach if he chose to reveal some of his 'methods'. But Jesse Glover says that after he left Oakland he was worried about being beaten in a fight so he spent a lot of time HIDING his methods. He did not want the bigger, stronger americans to learn what he had done to achieve some of his abiity.

Some of his ability was similar to 'stage magic'.

Most of the fighting moves you see on screen are NOT what BL would have done in a real, full-on, to the death, bar fight, or alley fight where he had to protect a loved one or his own life. Almost all of what you see is STAGE FIGHING JKD.

He had an incredible stage presence that has rarely been equaled. We should respect him for that and not try to put him up for things or events he would not have participated in. You don't take a 'national treasure' like this and make him fight scrubs.


If BL had the perseverence to become the greatest martial artist of his generation, one of the greatest action movie actors of all time, all with poor eyesight, broken back, one leg shorter than the other and an aversion to being touched by strangers, I think he could have handled a BJJ class.

I think his desire to prove himself to be a better martial artists would override his aversion of being touched by people.

Perhaps you forget Enter the Dragon where he displays some grappling. This is probably in line with what he was training at the time.