Bruce Lee talking MMA


Bruce is STILL ahead of most MMAers today. He believed in constant experimentation and progress

If he roided, you'd think he'd be over 140lbs.

He took hashish, it created an allergic reaction that killed him.

"i heard bruce was a huge steroid user and that is why he had a heart attack at such a young age."

He was a visionary for sure.

Awesome video man. Cheers to you, and fight hard

Naughty Gorilla - If he roided, you'd think he'd be over 140lbs.

He took hashish, it created an allergic reaction that killed him.

"i heard bruce was a huge steroid user and that is why he had a heart attack at such a young age."

Steroids wont build muscle or put on weight from air. Still have to take in the calories and proteins. .

What Bruce wa talking about is so much misinterpreted by many.

It´s not about mixing styles doing different techniques but about FEELING, BEING the fight rather than doing a technical routine like a robotor.

His words are so much about real martial arts....