Pillows was a bit much. but i bet plenty of people have taken down many of proclaimed boxers in a real fight. you don't ever try to outbox a boxer......doesnt every TMA class teach that? I have to disagree with the piss poor hands statement, and of course the poor grappling statement. just because you have poor boxing hands doesnt mean you cant be a good striker IMO. and just because you didnt train with the gracies doesnt make you a poor grappler. he was def involved in all of it. it's evedent in his 4 books he wrote (didnt write) Bruce Lee's Fighting Method volume 1-4.


TTT for Bruce!

Who cares about Gene Lebell and why is it that his opinion is regarded as fact when there are countless people(respected Martial Artists) who say the exact opposite??!!!

Want to know why he acted instead of competed? Because he made more money acting than Steve fucking Mcqueen dipshits.

Captain Insano X - He was nothing more than a crappy actor who trained a little bit.

Gene Lebell exposed him for the fraud that he was.

How much of a bad ass can you be @ 5'7" / 130 lbs. ?

I can't believe how many people buy in to this farce......

Calm down there Keyboard Warrior...

A friend, who btw knocked-out Pernell Whitaker as an amateur, borrowed my copy of "The Tao Of Jeet Kune Do" when I FINALLY got it back he have highlighted numerous points about both technique and combat psychology.

I started training in about 1976, these kids who think Lee was a fraud or try to minimize his contribution to reality based training are either fools due to their lack of knowledge or simply fools in general.

"Captain Insano X - He was nothing more than a crappy actor who trained a little bit.

Gene Lebell exposed him for the fraud that he was.

How much of a bad ass can you be @ 5'7" / 130 lbs. ?

I can't believe how many people buy in to this farce......"

everything above is false: he trained 24/7 pracicaly when he died he was closer to 150 and Gene exposed nothing... why would anybody read and believe you, Captain?

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” - Bruce lee

BL also had certain qualities that are hard to define.

His one U.S. movie is one of the top grossing films that Warner Brothers produced, making $25M.  In 1973 it beat out McQueen,, Redford, Hoffman, Streisand, and Eastwood at the box office.

He was a small, thin Asian-American who couldn't speak English without an accent. People have tried to repeat this success many times and never have come close, even when using big name actors.

He's been copied, imitated but never equalled. But look at his acting range. It was quite narrow. He couldn't pull off comedy (except as the 'country bumpkin'), couldn't play the romantic lead, didn't have leading man good looks of a Paul Newman, or Cary Grant. All he could do was be himself, showcase intensity and screen fighting.

In fact one might say he taught himself to act - taught himself camera angles for action shots. He never attended film school, yet got WB to make him the star of a feature film.

His picture still sells magazines almost 40 years later. I can't think of anyone who has more covers than he does.

And..we're still discussing him on almost every martial arts forum on the net.


 BTW the above doesn't address the 'Bad Ass' issue, so I'll say that -I- would not stand in front of a guy who was 2-3x faster than most athletes and who could poke holes in an old-style steel coke can with his finger tips and proclaim he was anything but a gentleman and a phenom, lol.


Nothing seems to ruffle feathers on the UG like a good Bruce-Lee-Hate thread.

GreenLight -

Question & Answer with Victor Moore

Above Photo - Bruce Lee demonstrating his unstoppable punch with Victor Moore at Ed Parker's Long Beach Karate Internationals in 1967. (Thanks to Glass for excellent photo)

1. How did you first meet Bruce Lee and what were your impressions?

Victor Moore : I met Bruce Lee at the 1967 Long Beach International tournament. I was selected by Robert Trias to work with Bruce on the demo. Bruce was a good martial artist.

2. How would you rate Bruce Lee as a martial artist? Did you work out together?

Victor Moore: I would say Bruce was in the same league as all of the other karate champions of that time. We only worked together that day. After the demo, we worked off the side trading techniques.

3. Can you please tell me what happened at the Long Beach Tournament in 1967 and what Bruce was demonstrating with you?

Victor Moore : We were demonstrating speed punches. Most in the crowd that day would consider it a draw.

4. Did Bruce share any of his thoughts with you on martial arts and what is your own opinion about his art of 'Jeet Kune Do'?

Victor Moore : We talked at some length, however, I did not study Jeet Kune Do and did not formulate an opinion. I'm too much into the 'traditional' arts, having trained under many, including Bill Dometrich and Robert Trias.

5. Were you good friends with Bruce Lee? How do you feel about his legendary status in the world of martial arts?

Victor Moore : I did not get to know him that well. I felt good about his legendary status, it helped karate to grow.

Thanks so much for all your help and please pass on my best wishes to Victor Moore and my sincere thanks.

Victor Moore : Thank you for your interest.
I've seen the vid of that.  There is nothing supernatural or overly amazing there.  It's just a couple of martial artists sparring.  Bruce was certainly a legitimate martial artist but you can't judge his skills by how he looked in his movies, which is really all we have to go by.  Obviously, the movie is designed to make the star look impressive and almost invulnerable and superhuman. 


 op is kidding i bet

bsrizpac - Some of us have actually been in the ring before, and know a lot about striking and tell a clown video when they see one.

I'm sorry that you have never sparred or trained seriously and think that's good striking.
Lemme guess: you used to trane guys until you got run out of town by Whitey Bulger's crew?

The video is beyond unflattering. I can't believe it would qualify as good striking in ANY system. It's not a joke or somesuch, is it?

"Wrong. Some of us have actually been in the ring before, and know a lot about striking and tell a clown video when they see one."

"I'm sorry that you have never sparred or trained seriously and think that's good striking." -bsrizpac


MR. Combatively


I keep forgetting to watch that bag vid and can't get youtube here. Springboard works though. Anyone willing to upload and post it again?

gracies didn't know the triangle until the late 80s

Dude his bag work is terrible and slow for being some sort of god you are making him out to be.

MR. Combatively