GreenLight - 
CRBMoney14 - Like many people who died young if Bruce Lee hadnt died young his legend wouldnt be nearly what it is today

That doesn't make sense. Less exposure doesn't mean more fame. It just takes time for things to settle in. Without ETD most ppl wouldn't have known him. His fame was stifled by his death, much like his own son.

His fame may have become bigger at the time. But him dying made his legend bigger not his fame.

Much like many people, from Biggie to Jim Morrison to JFK.

If Chuck Norris had died in that year people would look at him a lot differently now too

Now we have people saying Bruce Lee wasn't a real fighter and disrespecting him? Instant ban. He would beat your ass so bad you would never leave the house again. He was an amazing fighter and an even better person. RIP Mr. Lee. OP - you're a disgrace.

Captain Insano X - 
Riley Freeman - 
Snarl Snatch - Have you guys seen his rooftop Gong Sau match? LOLOL

Crapple flailing on par with the karate masters of UFC 1.

this. it was a joke.
Bruce lee was an athlete, not some martial arts master.
he was smart, he sold himself as some fighting god and captivated the minds of stupid fat Americans and made a fortune doing it.
truth is, every exhibition/movie scene was carefully coordinated to make him look like something he's not.
Jose Aldo would leave Lee crippled within minutes.


It's sad how easily some of the UG'ers buy into the Bruce Lee bullshit. Nothing but fairy tales.

You're talking about the video of the fight he had as a 17 yr old in Hong Kong after 3 yrs Wing Chun training - before he went to America, and 5 or so years before he started to create Jeet Kune Do...let alone finalized it.

Too bad video footage doesn't exist of the first day an untrained Frank Shamrock turned up at the Lions Den as a 20 year old and (by his own words) got the shit beaten out of him. Then we could point to that video as proof Frank Shamrock knows nothing at all about MMA.

Fucking tards.

sanguine cynic - show me this bruce lee rooftop fight video

See my post directly above for context.

strykr619 - 
Captain Insano X - He was nothing more than a crappy actor who trained a little bit.

Gene Lebell exposed him for the fraud that he was.

How much of a bad ass can you be @ 5'7" / 130 lbs. ?

I can't believe how many people buy in to this farce......

Nice attempt at a troll job bro. Its well known that Gene LeBell and Bruce Lee were good friends. Its also well know the Judo Gene taught Bruce Judo as well... Many people including Lebell and Chuck Norris have pointed out how STRONG Bruce Lee was for his Size.... 

Too bad your troll job is so obvious thou. 

Lebell and Lee became friends AFTER Lebell roughed him up on a set. If Lee is such a legend, what does that make Gene?

Lol @ strong for his size! Ants are one of the strongest living things, for their size, yet we crush them daily......

theimmortal -  Are you kidding me? Anyone showing disrespect to Bruce should be banned from this forum. Who cares who if he could beat Aldo? Not only was his training unheard of in his day, he was light years ahead of the majority of fighters today in terms of discipline, dedication, true martial arts spirit, etc.. Why anyone would try to diss a legendary martial artist like Bruce is beyond me. In short, fuck off haters. 

 The Immortal has just bitchslapped the OP and the rest of the haters!

 Captain Insano X

Why dont you enlighten us with all that you have achieved in your pathetic little life.   What have you done douchebag?  Lets hear about all the contributions you have made?  You should have been a blow job.

theimmortal -  Are you kidding me? Anyone showing disrespect to Bruce should be banned from this forum. Who cares who if he could beat Aldo? Not only was his training unheard of in his day, he was light years ahead of the majority of fighters today in terms of discipline, dedication, true martial arts spirit, etc.. Why anyone would try to diss a legendary martial artist like Bruce is beyond me. In short, fuck off haters. 


bullshit.. only posting to revisit the chuck norris excerpts. thank you

lildragonof - U trolls are funny as shit!! Bruce's training, diet, and full contact sparing was unheard of in the 60's and 70's. He was the best and if he was still alive Im shure he would of produced MMA champions under his camp....

 your shure or sure?

Archer0545 -  Captain Insano X
Why dont you enlighten us with all that you have achieved in your pathetic little life.   What have you done douchebag?  Lets hear about all the contributions you have made?  You should have been a blow job.

agreed..please enlighten all of us..

The real problem here is we have people judging a TRUE legend and master on what they have seen him do in the movies. Hence the "Hes an actor" bullshit.

ANYONE who has taken the time to learn about him knows his work ethic and discipline when it came to training alone would make him a standout even by todays standards.

Couple that with being an olympic level athlete and the mind of a philosopher and that would be the best of the best.

Im betting most of the people slinging mud at Bruce Lee are all under the age of 22.

Pure signs of "I gots no idea what I be talkin 'bout!"

Unbelievably naive posts from some people on here.

Bruce Lee was without question the most influential and innovative martial artist of the 20th century.

Gene Le Bells story doesn't confirm anything. It may or may not be true but like some of the bullshit Joe Lewis spouts about Bruce I say this. It is easy to talk about people when those people aren't around to defend themselves.

Who other than Gene confirms this story to be true?

I hear it said that people make stories up about Bruce to perpetuate his myth?

The people who knew Bruce and say he wasn't all that, people like Joe Lewis and Gene Le Bell are themselves making up stories to perpetuate their own self importance by trashing a true pioneer of martial arts.

Who gives fuck if he didn't compete? I still wouldn't want to have a fight with him.

Oh and another thing. He could act better than a lot if so called actors, as well as write, direct, choreograph, pen poetry, dance to championship level, teach martial arts, train champion fighters and support a family. His work ethic was unparalleled Phone Post

Bruce Lee was an innovator and he was ahead of his time with diet and cross training. I will give you that. But to ever say he would have beat a guy in MMA today is nuts. There is no real footage of Bruce Lee every competing competitively in Full Contact Fighting. If you want to argue that certain point show me the footage?? This video of Bruce Lee hitting the heavy bag there is no technique behind his punches. If he is such a master at technique you don’t horse play on a heavy bag to get in bad habits. Common mistake made by good fighters. This is why Greg Jackson picks guys apart because he finds little mistakes guys make in the cage from not doing there gym work right ! Freddie Roach does the same thing. This is what makes Greg Jackson and Freddie Roach ahead of their games. Crap Technique! Good Technique! Manny Pacquiao working the heavy bag.

People get mad when people flame Bruce Lee because they are trying to hold on to their traditional martial arts like Kung Fu, Karate and Tae kwon do. I like all styles of Fighting and think they add something great to our sport of MMA. I don’t debate that Bruce was an innovator and Creator of his own style. That truly is a student of the fighting game. Some of you guys that argue points on here have no validity on what you are saying. How can you compare Bruce to an Olympic athlete? Or even say he has qualities of an Olympic athlete. That’s an insane Statement. The man never competed in the Olympics. It also is a broad term. It’s too vague!

Bruce Lee gets a lot of hype because he was different. He was Asian and brought Asian martial arts to mainstream America. Some of you people act like he had Godly qualities. No man has god qualities. He is not more talented than some of our guys today like Aldo. He does a have brain on fighting concepts though!

MR. Combatively

Captain Insano X - He was nothing more than a crappy actor who trained a little bit.

Gene Lebell exposed him for the fraud that he was.

How much of a bad ass can you be @ 5'7" / 130 lbs. ?

I can't believe how many people buy in to this farce......

kill yourself

not respecting bruce lee or Mas Oyama as two of the originators of MMA should get you banned immediately from this forum.

Of course it won't happen, which is why so many idiots roam this crappy forum.

Bruce Lee pretty much defined my childhood.

Chitat - 
theimmortal -  Are you kidding me? Anyone showing disrespect to Bruce should be banned from this forum. Who cares who if he could beat Aldo? Not only was his training unheard of in his day, he was light years ahead of the majority of fighters today in terms of discipline, dedication, true martial arts spirit, etc.. Why anyone would try to diss a legendary martial artist like Bruce is beyond me. In short, fuck off haters. 

Great post. I agree totally.

Archer0545 -  Captain Insano X
Why dont you enlighten us with all that you have achieved in your pathetic little life.   What have you done douchebag?  Lets hear about all the contributions you have made?  You should have been a blow job.

This thread isn't about me or my accomplishments.

All I'm saying is BL was NOT the badass that all you D&D nerds think he was. I know you revel in believing in mythical creatures. That's all BL is.

Lebell exposed him as a farce, and Rickson would've played with him like a cat with a mouse.

Say what you want about Rickson, but he actually did have a few legit fights, and proved he was a badass in his day and time.

Bruce just nade a few crappy movies that had him scripted as a badass, and gave him the luxury of shooting a scene 100 times if needed. What a joke.............