Brutal Matt Hughes meme on twitter

That guy is lucky if he ain’t dead or badly concussed now!

His leg could’ve got ripped right off after the spin!

Watch it slowly!


Dont be a fuck head.
Morckorkells book review was a fantastic thread taking the piss.
The dude was newtering pigs. A job that has to be done for the pork that is on your plate. And he threw it at a squeemish friend.
He was actually doing shit as a kid. Mans work. What were you doing pussy boy.
If you didn’t do anything worse than that then congratulations.
I’ll throw balls that were going in the bin anyway at someone, till this day.


i bet that fuker is alive, but with very dislocated back and shoulder + multiple broken bones

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Dude just needs to walk that shit off.


Came in here to call Hughes a piece of shit as well but after a quick reflection on past scumbaggery, I realised I’ve also been a piece of shit at times too.


What Farmer let matt Hughes slaughter 12 piglets for shits and giggles? Isnt that a farmers way to make money?!?!?!
On a sidenote, “while growing up, Matt Hughes and his brother Mark liked to go and bang behind the barn, Joe”


I’m a fan of dark humor sometimes but I don’t really find anything in this thread funny.


Me either bro. I find laughing at someone dying distasteful and a reflection of character.



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Spoken like a true South Park fan!

Episode 8 Cheer GIF by South Park

Either it’s all ok, or none of it is ok. Who the fuck is the one allowed to make that line? Lol

Frate trane imo

Reading parts of that book and thinking, “did he actually approve this?”

That sounds like a YOU issue.

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Time to go watch some Matt Hughes getting KO’d


hes mad because Matt is a hunter

Knocked him right out of his shoes. Just like Ray Brower.

He’s a sociopath. He always gave off weird creepy vibes. Stories about him beating his wife in front of his kids, torturing animals - It’s almost like he represented God and Jesus and God was like fuck that shit and put that train there. It was divine intervention. fuck Matt Hughes


Are you talking about rumours?

Matt’s obviously running on low battery mode, no point piling on. I hate the TMZ side of sports and distance myself on it to just enjoy the performance and just turn off.

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Play stupid games…

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