Buffer Whiplash GIF request

b buffer for the tmfw

Thanks for the info PM, I like that guy.

ray I made that gif from the ufc in denver, I will post you a link in a sec


Anyone got the worst UFC fan ever gif?

that is Hasselhoff type shit hahahah

smoogy -  I wish I could take credit for making it

That is some James Bond-level turn and point action

Thats a keeper!

nah its not very hard man.. you do need some programs to convert the file to something like and .avi and create the gif. theres a ton of different ways, just google it:)

Coolest. Zuffa employee. Ever.

I love it! Adds to the energy and I get a chuckle out of it everytime he does it. Love the head fake!!

gif of the year.....loflolfroflmaoooooooooo

man this will go into heavy rotation getting bruce to point to something surprising.

 Buffer is the man, you guys are a bunch of idiots. He also posts on this board fyi.

LOL "bolos.gif" is so perfectly named.

I love Bruce!

I have been many places and seen many things, but nothing quite as triumphant as that Buffer gif have these eyes ever gazed upon.

I feel that my chakra has been balanced by this thread. Bless you, Mr. Buffer.

that his high level turn and point.
mere mortal men wouldn't dare attempt it at half speed,and most trained athletes would black out just getting near that level of rotational speed. Pure G forces alone are herculean let alone the ability to halt such momentum so quickly. Far too much strain on mosts bodies

Its truly an amazing act of balance,accuracy, speed, aggression and synchronization.


Seemore Butts -  Buffer is the man, you guys are a bunch of idiots. He also posts on this board fyi.

 If you read the thread, you'll find the overwhelming consensus is that Buffer totally kicks ass all the time

Bruce is the man.

Bruce Buffer is the goddamned Man!!!


Someone please post the squirrel immediately!