Punch him in the face a lot. If for some reason he starts punching u back more than u are punching him, kiss him on the lips. It will confuse him and probably throw his strategy off momentarily. Seize the moment and find the KO. Game over.
Turtle, he will naturally be drawn to center his torso behind yours, grasping your hips. This will all happen quickly as a matter of muscle memory so listen to me. As soon as he inches forward, I want you to back into him like a 155 pound dump truck, your hips driving your clenched buttocks into his exposed liver. You have a three second window before he closes the distance, sucks up the space and he's on you so make that thrust count.
DogtownKai - Wear a speedo or very small shorts. Ring will be too distracted.
I can't see join dates, but I assume you are new here or either changed your screen name in honor of the crazy homeless man known only as "Kai"
This man it better than the homeless dude with the golden voice! This guy has a golden hatchet that he uses to fight crime! And he manages to do so whilst stoned as an Arab feminist.
I can't think of any witty semi homo-erotic thing to suggest at the moment.
But seriously the use "Brazilian kick". Set it up with giving a few hard leg kicks first here and there. The first part of the kick makes it look as you are going for another low kick (that he will be checking by that point) at that point most times the lead hand will drop and that is when the motion of the kick can be deadly.