Bully Beatdown Used Stuntman?

Now i knew part of the show was going to be a work, it is MTV after all... does this kind of thing bother some of you?

personally to me, i don't really care if they did. It's always fun to see a regular dude get roughed up by a pro.



Reality shows aren't real, they're just poorly scripted.

inf0 - it's still real to me, damn it

 cue the crying

inf0 - it's still real to me, damn it

I wonder if Miller knows.....

sarcastic face

LAME. I figured it was a little set up but not with paid actors. Screw the show, I am not watching.

FAKE is for WWE.

They film in LA, fight in Utah and use actors. Go figure it's Mtv....

lol well i cant blame mayhem for making money but can he at least drop the charade claiming its real?

that sucks

lol wait, what?

Bully Beatdown - MTV Shows

I pretty much knew it.

 is there anything left to believe in?

Well, this kind of ruins the fun for me. If I want to see people get paid for one-sided beatdowns, I'll watch Pride.

Michgan241 - lol well i cant blame mayhem for making money but can he at least drop the charade claiming its real?
I agree with this and would like to add that after watching the Jake Shields ep I have no desire to watch another minute of this.


geez...this make me look at it differently now...at least now i know pro rasslin is real

i told you guys from the start, Tito's show is better, real people, really fighting real MMA rules. Bully vs victim in the cage

too bad it has not aired yet

My faith in everything is being destroyed....I suppose next you're going to tell me that the fighters on TUF are actually ENCOURAGED to break things in the house and its not just something that seems to randomly happen every season?!


Misedukatd -  is there anything left to believe in?

Believe in Frank Trigg and Fedor.

I dont think Mayhem ever denied using actors for bullies/victims... What he said was " I guarantee you these guys all really are douchebags " so it is what it is... we still get to see douchebags get their asses kicked

patiently waits for Mayhem