Bully gets what he deserves

Why you shouldn't pick on people. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video800.php?v=wshh6Ls61cDNfhkd6MvH&set_size=1

 lol good video 

Sweet vid!

Young Mark Hunt throwing Bungalow.

Iphone Phone Post


In Phone Post


Serves a bully right.  you fuck with people, you should quickly and PROMPTLY get this same exact treatment. No follow up shots, no hitting someone while their down.  Rock the shit out of the asshole and watch him walk away thinking about it!  Lesson learned right there!

UGCTT_molsonmuscle360 - Young Mark Hunt throwing Bungalow.

Thought the same thing when I watched it today.

Hands up next time.

LOL @ "Get down with a real nigga." Phone Post

JimmersonzGlove -  #25's kid


 well done

UGCTT_molsonmuscle360 - Young Mark Hunt throwing Bungalow.

this is just like the time when peter brady beat up buddy hinton.

3rd time ive seen it posted on here

the real bully beatdown

the real bully beatdown

Subbed Phone Post

The back story is the white kid was yelling racial slurs at the black guys little sister.