I found a Group Text Chat of a Bunch of Fighters watching The Ultimate Fighter tonight http://msn.foxsports.com/watch/the-ultimate-fighter/story/tflf-episode-9-edition-103013
Haha! Was looking for this thread
JudoknowNothing - Haha! Was looking for this threadThanks man. I'm about to go on stage--can't figure out how to post the link from my phone--can you post it for me?

Dont know how to embed from iphone
JudoknowNothing - http://msn.foxsports.com/watch/the-ultimate-fighter/story/tflf-episode-9-edition-103013That makes 2 of us...thanks for trying man.
Dont know how to embed from iphone

Love these man VU!
Master Shredder - Love these man VU!Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed.

With the assistance of comedian Adam Hunter of MMA Roasted, FOX Sports has obtained the transcript of a secret text message during episode five. The texts were exchanged between Dana White, Joe Rogan, Jon Jones, Daniel Cormier, Jessica Simpson, Tom Hanks and more.
Kick Boxe -Thanks

LOL that was funny and I think half of those were not actually the people named.
The Popeye - LOL that was funny and I think half of those were not actually the people named.Glad you enjoyed.

trblesum13 - Great stuff as usual Adam.Thanks man.

tracylee - TTTThanks Tracy--Miss you.

I love these vtfu
That was pretty funny
Always enjoy these, good stuff.
Edmond... hahaha