Bustamante is BACK!

The event is being held at the Saitama Super Arena in Japan and

will be available in America via HDNet starting at 6am ET.

Here is the current card:

Fedor Emelianenko vs. Hong-Man Choi

Kazuo Misaki vs. Yoshihiro Akiyama

Tatsuya Kawajiri vs. Luiz Azeredo

Hayato "Mach" Sakurai vs. Hidehiko Hasegawa

Mitsuhiro Ishida vs. Gilbert Melendez

MURILLO BUSTAMANTE vs. Makoto Takimoto

Shinya Aoki vs. TBA

Awsome! In person he is huge, alot bigger than someone would think. Meet him in Brazil 7-8 years ago.

Have they found a new opponent for Aoki yet?

Bussa Bus, baby!

i wish bustamante & aoki were at the same weight class

"The event is being held at the Saitama Super Arena in Japan and
will be available in America via HDNet starting at 6am ET."

go hd net.ttt
thanks smokin ,merry x mas

i don't care what anyone says. that is a good card

Holy crap!!!  Peeps are baggin on this card way too much.  It looks pretty solid with the exception of the Fedor match.

Mach, Bustamante(fighting a former Olympic Judoka no less), Kawajiri, Melendez...very solid card...one of the best in recent months maybe all year.

And HDNet cost only $2.95 per month!!!

I'd think that Dana had better get his ass in gear bigtime. If he wants $49.95

per UFC event, he'd damn well better START giving a $49.95 card.

Truer words were never spoken. Paying $50 for 3 fights, a bunch TUF crap shoved down your throat, and 20 for commercials for SAW 7 is bullsh!t.

love it

lots of great fighters on there

and with the pride destruction by zuffa, fedor/choi is better than no
fedor at all on short notice

and yes, busta is one of the best, and a true nhb/vale tudo/mma

aoki should rematch george

The fights will be on 12/31 at 6 eastern?

6 am?

Busta might give Anderson Silva a run.  I would love to see that matchup.  I still am in awe of how he owned Matt Lindland and tapped him TWICE in one night.

busta is one of my all time favorite fighters.gets away w flaws in his standup, but what a grappler.he has a cool,calmness that you can't really teach.People talk about how amazing randy is(and he is) for his age.Nobody mentions how old bustamante is .he is up there as well.Doesn't seem like a super athlete just perfect technique.When he owned Linland i was completly in awe.

I'm pretty sure that hdnet is going to replay the fight at 3pm eastern time.

Great to see Murilo back, he is an awesome fighter, some of the best hands out there.


One of my favorite fighters!

Why doesnt Cox Cable carry HD Net??!!