SALE ENDS AT 11:59pm EST, JANUARY 15, 2014!
That only works for tire sales.
Danger'sDaddy - That only works for tire sales.
Or a gloves and shinpad combo :-)
Kirik -ZING!Danger'sDaddy - That only works for tire sales.
Or a gloves and shinpad combo :-)

Kirik -Danger'sDaddy - That only works for tire sales.
Or a gloves and shinpad combo :-)
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Gotta put on my thinking cap now. Go go gadget bank account!
Kirik -Touche'Danger'sDaddy - That only works for tire sales.
Or a gloves and shinpad combo :-)

Does that $4.95 flat rate shipping also apply to UK shipping?
best thing to do is buy your expensive items now and get an expensive item for free. New Gloves, Shinpads, Headgear, etc.
Shomans deal was better.
ramaham - Ipo?stock shares basicly

Kirik -Danger'sDaddy - That only works for tire sales.
Or a gloves and shinpad combo :-)

Mix6APlix - Gloves and shinpads are sold individually?
I bought my first glove and shin pad combo for Xmas 1973, at a place called Zuber Martial Arts Aupply. I walked in with my mom, and there was this Orthodox Jewish guy in his 50s I guess. I was expecting Master Po or something. I asked him some question and he said he would have have to ask his son, "the Pepsi generation" as he put it. In walked a guy in his 30s, even more orthodox looking still.
Anyway, I liked the price he quoted for the shins, and then he explained that it was for each. Ma got them for me anyway.
So to answer your question, at least once, right as the Bruce Lee era was revving up :-)
Kirik, you ready for the launch of The WWE Network?
Ronda's shirt $30
Misha's shirt $56?
Champ can't get no clout?
................hey yo - Kirik, you ready for the launch of The WWE Network?
Second best compliment I ever received was at a WWE show. Was here in Amherst at the Mullens Center. I was wearing sunglasses at night and some Japanese print shirt and a little kid came up with an autograph book and asked if I was a wrestler :-)
And from everything I have read, the WWE online network is insanely great. If the UFC had the same deal, I would buy two. But the UFC is still making great money with PPV, so the WWE is hopefully what we see some years from now when the Net further takes over the world.
Does this count for supplements ? Need some Protien
ShoreBreaker420 - Does this count for supplements ? Need some ProtienShould yup.

Sweet Daddy Bear - So what you're saying is, if I give you $105, you'll give me FOUR, count'em, FOUR T-shirts (plus shipping).
What a steal.
Yes, if all we sold was tees that would indeed be wrong.
Tees start at $7.99, check out the entire line, from the cheapest up.
Ch1ef - Ronda's shirt $30
Misha's shirt $56?
Champ can't get no clout?
Free market forces at work.