Our competition team is looking for shooto gloves to use for sparring class. We want the regulation, 8 oz., open palm gloves, but all I have found are the lace-up variety. We would like them to have velcro straps instead, as they are easier for use while training. Does anyone know of a good brand? We would like to keep the price under $50 if possible. Kagi and Twins have official shooto gloves, but they are both lace-ups. Help! Thanks.
Ask the shooto forum
already did, thanks for that outstanding advise, what would have I done without you
Twins also makes Shooto gloves that are velcro.
Email USA Shooto Commissioner at
Umm...... John Ouano makes the offical shooto gloves along with the gloves for King of the Cage, and the UFC. http://www.ouano.com
Then why doesn't he sell them on his site?
Mike - Kagi is the Official supplier for Shooto USA, you can find the gloves on his site at www.jiujitsugi.com, or you can go directly to the shooto gloves at: http://jiujitsugi.com/ShootoGlove.htm
Nevermind Ouano sells shoot products and not the gloves. Sorry man but those Shooto gloves look like crap. They resemble coconuts/cannon balls with laces.
Went to the NHB class today and saw the Shoot gloves it seems that a few different companies make the Shoot gloves and the design that they want is ABSOLUTE crap the pinky and thumb loops slip off.