Ryan Wood you sir are fucking one funny bastard.
Mad Xyientist -
quick and dirty:
4 Focus55
86ed4life - Ryan Wood you sir are fucking one funny bastard.
I wish I could take credit for that masterful video, but I cannot. My theory is that no simple mortal could have constructed such a thing, and that it should be treated as a message from beings of a higher plain of existence than our own.
LMAO! Thanks for making my vision come true guys! Hilarious as always. The Serra thread was great too.
Rogan and Wilford Brimley. This should be TTT infinity...
hahaha awesome guys.
diabeetus haha
Great !
lookoutawhale -
Holy friggin WOW!!!
LMAO! The best fucking romoshop thread, eva!
MauroRanallosMic - "LMAO! The best fucking romoshop thread, eva!"
I see this quote on every romoshop thread here :)
That said, this one is pretty damn good so far.
Props to Mad Xyientist for his romoshop.
the rogan coaster!
4 inf0
but chuck fucked silva, if anything
Shaz - Couldn't resist. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z16/Tufflaw/ultimaterogan.jpg

haha nice job!