Can anyone top my cubicle?

Cool Phone Post

Nice flood pants. You tuck your shirt into your underpants?


Haha i jest! Coolest looking cubicle i know. But then it's the only cubicle i know. I'm in the trades, work outdoors and such... FML!

Yea, anyone not doing a gay ass fist pose in the picture of their cubicle beats that. Phone Post

Super cool. Phone Post

Pretty cool.. what do your coworkers think?

Well at least you have one or two chicks up there... Nice cover!

I like it

Very nice.

You just need GSP with the Rising Sun.


I like GSP`s a little better,but yours is sweet also.

Dude that's sick, awesome work space!! Phone Post

So i'm gonna have to ask you to take those down, mmmkay?


This is a fortune 500 company not a lemonade stand.

Not sure why everyone is hating. Better than a bunch of Lil Wayne posters.

BrattMamley -

That's not a cubicle...........

It's your dojo.... bro. Phone Post

VTFU! That's what my office used to look like!!!

FYI - And I would much rather date a guy with UFC posters in his cubicle, then a bunch of airbrushed models.

I bet these translate directly into raises and promotions.

kyle223 - Not sure why everyone is hating. Better than a bunch of Lil Wayne posters.

You have the same setup huh Kyle?

i'm liking the Bruce Lee

I'm not wearing underpants.