Kidding, yes I was.
ProteinOverdrive -When did we run to the USA for help ? We used to rule the world you pricks just think you doBojack Horseman - I don't know Those ira guys seem pretty damn hard.Against who though? The English.
Everything UK does is literally exaggerated like a story. They live in the fantasy world. In the real world, they run to America for help.
Imagine IRA against the Soviet government or the CIA. How do you think it'd end for them?
Op is clearly a very dangerous man
Fucking stupid thread. “Our gangsters are tougher than yours” - as if thats something to be proud about? Moronic OP, matched by some equally moronic responses. Having tougher gangs just means you live in a shittier society, in a shittier country. You can have the toughest gangs, I don’t fucking want them. Idiot.
Hahaha…I’m not angry, just laying a couple of truth bombs down
What about Jamaican gangsters?
Or the Colombians?
Mexican cartels?
Those Limies are such pussies.
UK = United kukdom haha
pickula - Fucking stupid thread. "Our gangsters are tougher than yours" - as if thats something to be proud about? Moronic OP, matched by some equally moronic responses. Having tougher gangs just means you live in a shittier society, in a shittier country. You can have the toughest gangs, I don't fucking want them. Idiot.
Lurk more, sissy.
Op is correct last year in Ireland there were 38 murders compared to 726 last year in Chicago still nothing to be proud of though but I doubt Conor's in serious danger
I’m pretty sure a certain promoter packed his bags and moved across the country cuz Irish mafia.
MAINMAYNARD -Op is correct last year in Ireland there were 38 murders compared to 726 last year in Chicago still nothing to be proud of though but I doubt Conor's in serious danger
Chicago murders are done over a rock of crack, there is a massive amount of low level thugs in Chicago, that is the main problem there.
The Pendulum -RedDragonUK -The Mafia came from Italy.OP you remember Lee Murray?
Look up what happened to him before the heist.
Where do you think the “Italian” mafia came from? Clues in the name.
Russia is part of Europe by the way.
Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela.
Death to the French in Italy.
That’s one of the 30 theories of where the word came from.
Arrr matey ye be forgettin about us pirates tho are ye?
10 most famous pirates... 1 frenchie... 2 chinamen... all the rest English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish! No Americans! Arrrrr!
Put that in ye pipe and smoke it, land lubber
The IRA weren’t gangsters, it was a terrorist organisation with a political objective, that’s really quite different.
Ireland, North and South, is a very safe these days, but the Kinahan lot don’t fuck around.
Oh ALL you sissies were convinced Conor was in serious trouble.
Now look at everyone being “reasonable”. It’s hilarious really!
Toughness of gangs can’t be defined by number of murders. Classless gangbangers can go out and kill a bunch. But control and running your business well is more a key of big time power.
The mafia probably has killed a lot less that some street gangs but they are much more powerful
OP has rustled some jimmies
Did you legit include Americans? They’re in the same boat.
The Russians and Mexicans are ones you don’t fucj with .
rexthedog -The IRA weren’t gangsters, it was a terrorist organisation with a political objective, that’s really quite different.
Ireland, North and South, is a very safe these days, but the Kinahan lot don’t fuck around.
Finally somebody with sense showed up on this thread.
People here are comparing what was basically a paramilitary organization with political objectives as rex points out to a bunch of "gangsters"
Anybody that shouts loudly in UK/Ireland is considered a "gangster". And if they have a family and are not an orphan, then it's a "crime family".
This was nothing, McGregor probably ran into that guy by accident in the pub. And yet look how the UK and Irish media have spinned it. "McGregor is about to die!!! OMG!!! Everyone run for cover this is a dangerous crime family, they don't say "sorry" if the bump into you in a mall".
Try American gangs, Mexicans, Russians, the whole Slavic organized criminal scene is much more dangerous. The only reason they are not in Ireland is because they have no interest. Look at UK... all the Russian oligarchs and Muslim families are running it.
Lol at ‘American Gangsters’. Basically the Irish and Italians. The rest are ghetto hood rats slinging guns at each other over a bag of coke.
If any people love to romanticise it’s the Americans. Truth is, they’re a fucking laughing stock to any real gangsters.