I must profess, I'm inextricably vexed by this intricate paradox.
It is molesting my very cognizance, and the more I catechize my ratiocination the more I conceive the unfathomableness of this perplexity before me.
Is it possible for one to tap one's instructor in the martial arts? Whom on this forum has managed such a feat? If not, do you think you could? Is it merely a cerebral obstruction that is preventing you from doing so?
The Best Competitors are not neccissarily the best Coaches and vice versa. Why is it an important issue whether you can or cannot tap you coach? I never hear anyone ask a boxer if he can knockout his trainer...
Came pretty close of tapping my coach, he almost snap my ankle and leg(in half), other trainer gut wrenched and neck crank me to death, lesson learnt don't try to tap your coach. :-)
I am not sure what level you are at, but I know that I will put myself in bad positions so that I can practice getting out of them. And people more skilled then me do the same, they also want to guage how your attacks are coming along.
Also, just because you may be able to tap out you instructor does not mean that you have nothing to learn from them.
It took me a long time before I could get close to getting the tap, and in the end it was with the techniques they taught me.
There is more than technique, some days your on your game sometimes your not. Sometimes your feeling fit, sometimes your not.
Jason Coomer use to be my student and he can and has tapped me alot.
I've had a couple of other students who got to the point that they could beat me on a regular basis. That was my goal, if not why bother training people at all.
No one is tapping me but here is a problem I run in to and tell me if I am just being a baby. Do you think it is right for the students to GO FOR THE GOLD every singe time they roll with me? I mean EVERY TIME I roll with guys they are going like it is the fuckin superbowl and they are getting paid $1,000,000 to beat me. It tends to not be as fun any more and then I tend to not roll with them much anymore. I am not worried about getting caught but when they go like this with me I tap them so much neither of us are learning anything. especially them. Just wondering.
I can tap a blue belt...I can only play defense on a purple until the inevitable comes, and on the rare occasion I got to roll with a Brown, I tapped quick. I rolled with a Black Belt once and he was giving a lecture as he was toying with me, sweeping me, giving up positions, flirting with subs all the while he is still teaching. It was the most humbling 5 minutes of my life.
no Chris, its dumb for students to always go full blast against their instructor. Its just training, and if anything they should be worried about improving parts of their game instead. IF they can catch you, fine. But the full strength, speed demon people who roll as if it is the Mundials or ADCC are fucking morons. Hell, I can't tap my bjj instructor, but when I roll with him I concentrate on my flow and try work attacks that are pure tech base, not attribute based. More guys should roll this way.
used to have a trainer that I never saw roll. Now I have a trainer that I've never seen get tapped. Not in a million years could I get close to doing it. Doesn't really matter does it? Every time I get trashed by my training partners, I learn something. That's the game.
I am the trainer where I train. 95 percent of the time when my guys get a tap out from me it when I let them to show them something. But there is a legitamite 5 % that actually catch me, and the is getting more frequent the more I train and the better they get.
Javi, Romie, and Gabe all just mess around with me. They're cool and let me even get position on them, but they're just too good for me. I out weigh Javi and Gabe by a good 75-80 lbs., but weight is just no substitute for good technique.
My instructor has never been tapped at his school. I saw one guy come close, but that was all. He is a freak and has trained in basically every ground art with all the best.