I know some people are born with great chins but is there a way to train yourself to take punches better?
Are you Canadian? ewww.
whatever you find out, videotape your research and share with us
frederic seems to be the only guy who understands fights. Is this forum just filled with a bunch of donut eating homosexuals?
"frederic seems to be the only guy who understands fights. Is this forum just filled with a bunch of donut eating homosexuals? "
Before you got here, yea. But now we've all been inspired by you and are training 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. THANK YOU SO MUCH
Absolutely. U become conditioned to take them after some serious dedication to the sport.
Spar your ass off and get used to getting hit.
'Spar your ass off and get used to getting hit. '
learn to roll with the hits also and setup your counters with em too. and most of all, getting hit helps you gain awareness of how NOT to get hit.
"Can you train to take punches?"
Yes. I can help you with this.........
I pickle my brain regularly with alcohol to toughen it to take punishment.
I have mild to moderate alcohol related brain damage.
Boxers train to get hit. They get hit in order to train it. By getting hit, they train for getting hit.
You cant train your chin to be stronger as in developing a tolerance, but the more you spar the better you learn to take a punch by not freezing up and taking it square. Even minute movements like slightly tucking your chin away at the last second or turning into a punch so you take it on the forehead instead of the temple make the difference between taking a nap and taking a punch.
Ask Mark Hunt.
Cro Cop was kicking him in the head, and Vanderlai was smacking his head lots of times, and he was acting like mosquitos were flitting around his ears...
"Do you know what a Shaolin monk is?"
What are these... shaolin monks you speak of?
My old boxing coach always said, "A punch hurts just as much with your eyes closed, so keep 'em open." That stuck with me.
"Royce Ricco Tito Marcello Garcia Rani Yahya"
Clearly if your name ends in a vowel then you will not like to get punched....notice Mark Hunt's first name "mark" does not end in a vowel...also Randall Cobb's name is lacking in the ending with a vowel department.....perhaps I have hit on something here?
While there is such a thing as a NATURAL chin....
Anyone who tells you that there is nothing you can do to icrease your ability top take a punch is just WRONG.
1.) Repetitive conditioning. I'm not suggesting you make yourself a punching bag, but we see this all the time in the gym. The longer a guy is in the gym (once he starts sparring) the more obliviosu he is to head shots. Some of this is that he's more focused on the opponent, doesn't look away, has a better feel for what's coming, etc. Some is his body's impact comditioning respose and some is just a tough guy getting tougher.
2.) Physical conditioning. A good neck and jaw strength routing reduces sudden head movement when hit. The less your head moves when you defence fails and you get hit - the less effect the punch has.
3.) TRAIN GREAT POSTURE. Many guys get Knocked out because their head and body position just sucks - even guys that come from very well known gyms.
I'm actually working on a video - "How not to get knocked out".
JoeStagner is right on the money about posture...alot of guys kinda hang themselves out to dry, keep your chin tucked as it will take the big danger factor out of the punch. keep your eyes on whats coming at you and learn to roll wit punches to reduce the impact when a punch does land clean, imo best example of this in mma is Bj Penn.
Dang, Stagner said everything that I was going too. Except for the part about the video.