Candidate for USA Judo President??

there are things about both that are very, very good and some that arent.

personally, id like to see jimmy run something like the DOD or coaching chair before having to vote on his as president. i think that his ideas on a lot of athlete issues are very good, but i also know (from personal experience) that he can very much look out for himself (re: 2000 olympic trials elimination) if need be.

ron has given up so much from his own personal life becuase he loves judo and wants USA Judo to succeed. jimmy has given up a lot for himself to succeed.

i truly think Ron is a good president. I think Jimmy would be an unreal guy to chase money or form relationships with europe and even to be in control of the national teams, etc..

i think they should work together.

Well, first, no man loves Ron Tripp more than I.

Second, no man wants to see the silly stuff end more than I.

However, the core problems will not go away so easily. Some very
nasty things from USJI were directed at USJA.

If you read about, you will read about my perfromance at the USJA
gathering in Chicago last month.

My opening joke, and this is dead on, got almost 30 full seconds of
laughter and applause. Time it, that is a very long time.

What was the joke?

Good evening, my name is Mark Tripp... (pause) ... I'm the nice one.

The reaction says it all....

...cause it shouldn't make sense or be a joke, now should it?

Lots of good insights, combined with salient points and questions on this thread.

Josh brings up an excellent point to ponder. He wrote,

"ron has given up so much from his own personal life becuase he loves judo and wants USA Judo to succeed. jimmy has given up a lot for himself to succeed."

Mark brings up an excellent point as well, regarding the alienation of one of the Class A members of USJI--the USJA under the current administration.

I wish both speeches had addressed the issues of the relationships with the JF and JA.

I like Ron's speech a little better, because I became more aware of the accomplishments of the administration; and they were established facts. Jimmy's speech addressed some big ideas of what he wanted to accomplish, but no details of how he would accomplish those things or who he would turn to for assistance. I wish Jimmy had addressed in detail, why he thinks the current administration failed in achieving some of their goals; what he would do differently, and who the people are that would assist him in moving the JI forward.

Like LeroyJ, I read Jimmy's speech and wonder if he has any thoughts whatsoever regarding the JI's role in assisting local clubs. Unlike LeroyJ, I don't think we can take at face value that those people currently active in JI would continue or that Jimmy would want them to continue. If you're the candidate for change, why would you keep 80% of the current administration?

It boils down to money, guys. Unless USA Judo can raise more money, the support for athletes at all levels will not be succesful.

We cannot raise money because Judo is a low profile sport in the USA. Advertisers are not going to spend their money if nobody, or only a few thousand people are going to watch Judo on TV in the USA.

I think Ron has done a pretty darned good job as president of USA Judo. He is authentically an optimistic person who works very hard at the job. USA Judo has been digging itself out of a hole for his entire administration.

I'd like to see more details of what Jimmy plans to do. He seems to be focused on supporting athletes, however, that is not all USA Judo is all about.

Both guys need to address the problems with JA and JF for sure. However, a big part of the problem is mutual hatred by some key players on all three sides.

Thus the reaction that Mark got with his "I'm the nice one" joke.

Ben Reinhardt

Ben Reinhardt wrote,

"It boils down to money, guys. Unless USA Judo can raise more money, the support for athletes at all levels will not be succesful."

Agreed. But I think that won't really happen unless all the organizations face painful truths. None of them seem ready to admit it, or at the least tell it to the membership.

Case point. Ron Tripp was voted into office in October of 2000. Some of his comments upon his election can be found here in the minutes of the annual meeting conducted in October, 2000 which is located at Excerpted from those minutes.

"Dr. Tripp stated that he will be involved in US Judo for the next eight years in one way or another and he will work very hard on grants i.e. federal, private grants or otherwise to see us have the opportunity to utilize $10,000,000 and that is his goal."

Did it happen? No. Part of the problem addressed by Mr. Tripp in his recent message was budgetary considerations post 9-11. I see no reason why that will change any time soon, considering the budgetary deficit we are facing in the oncoming years.

I see no reason for corporate sponsorship to be anything but sporadic. Certainly not large enough to be a dependable revenue stream going forward.

The key to financial stability is making the members aware that they are the only ones who can be depended on to fund American judo. It has to be important to them.

That's the reality. Nobody wants to hear it. Everyone is hoping and praying that some sort of financial "angel" or benefactor is going to fund judo. From the top of the leadership on down. While they wait, another 4 years go by. Been 40 of them since I first put on a judogi.

There are so many simple things that can be done to assist in the development of both grassroots and elite judo programs in the country, that would raise funds for American judo, yet hardly impact any current member.

One simple idea would be to charge admission (or additional admission) at local tournaments for attendees over the age of 12. Make it a two dollar donation. One dollar goes to the state or yudanshakai and one dollar goes to the USJI for the elite program. High schools all charge admission for their sporting events and nobody bats an eye. If you figure how many people attend every local tournament throughout the year, that's a nice bit of change.

How about a judo lottery? Winning individual ticket wins some amount of money, Plus their club gets a weeklong camp for their students during the summer with members of the national team. Sell the tickets at local tournaments throughout the year and then have the drawing at the Senior Nationals. I bet alot of local instructors would be pushing those lottery tickets and kids could sell them in their neighborhoods. The neighbors would only care about the cash part, so you don't even have to explain to them how great it would be for your club to win.

1st off. Ron is a life member of the JA and never once joined the JF in his entire life.. yet, somehow, the JA thinks he is against them.. how much sense does that really make??? at the same time, i like jim bregman a lot, i think he is good for the JA..

jimmy has not mentioned who he is wanting as executive director, Director of development, coaching chair, secretary, treasurer, or a host of other spots that matter a lot!

to be very honest... this is part of what has me concerned. he said that he really wanted to support the regional training centers, but wont come outright and tell people what his plan is for places like the USOC and SJSU who have continually produced some of the best players in the US for years and years.

he has not at all mentioned what his attitude will be to those people who are not interested in becoming olympic champions (ie, those who just enjoy judo for judo and might never compete or those who are kata-based). these people are key members to judo in the USA and he is making a huge mistake in not addresing these things.

he also said he wanted to bring back a publication to USA Judo.. but, to be very honest, if it is real judo that is nothing more than "you wash my back and ill wash yours" as many people have been put-off from the magazine because of outright, plain as day, biases.

jimmy will not get elected unless he wins the athlete vote-- as they control 20% of things and very, very few people want to go against the athletes in the BOD meetings. if you look at what has been going on at athlete meetings youll see Jimmy's campaign is not very popular. not to mention, between SJSU and the OTC are a host of ranked players who have not at all been approached by jimmy with an honest plan and a promise over how he will treat these programs. its really, really hard to win an election of any type when you are down by 20% from the get-go.

How about a 3-5 dollar surcharge on tournament entries? Split evenly between grass roots and elite programs. While it will raise costs somewhat, at least the benefits accrue to those who are participating in the events. A little bit of pain, but heck a hot dog and soda at the tournament costs just as much.

Its easier to hit someone up for 100 dollars at a buck or two a clip, than asking them to write a check for the $100. Always has been. Always will be. Nobody thinks that hard when spending a dollar or two. Lots of people have to be coaxed very hard to spend $100.00 at one time. If USJI can figure out how to get the judo community to contribute each an additional $100 a year without even thinking about it, they will be successful.

1st off. Ron is a life member of the JA and never once joined the JF in
his entire life.. yet, somehow, the JA thinks he is against them.. how
much sense does that really make??? at the same time, i like jim
bregman a lot, i think he is good for the JA..

Well, and again, NO MAN, loves Ron Tripp more than I do...

...but I too think he is against USJA. His actions over the last year or so
say as much.

I know both men, and I know both sides.

This is about having only ONE group as if somehow that will give them
the money they need.

Not going to happen, UNTIL we begin to see judo as something more
than its olympic players.

More people on the mat is the real key, not hoping for another grant or
loan. We aren't going to get them pushing a judo only for young tough

Ending the petty squabbles about rank and power, GET MORE DAMN

...I want to hear who is going to do THAT.

I don't think it matters if Ron Tripp is anti-USJA or not. That is the perception of the JA members. Nothing much he can do to change it.

The insurance fiasco caused a pretty big rift between the JI and JA. Doubt it will heal for some time. When I read all the documentation on it, looks like the problem started with the JA, but again, what does that matter? Ron is going to come off as the bad guy to the JA members.

There was another recent incident that was handled unwisely in my opinion, out here in California regarding a clinic by a very large club affiliated with the JA. If there was any healing process going on, well that just re-opened the wound and made it larger.

It matters in the context that unless we are all going to be honest and
open we won't be able to fix much.

We can continue to deal with the past, or we can deal with the future.

USJA has been pretty open as of late as to the errors in its past and
trying to move forward as a grass roots group that simply is asking to
be left alone and not have more and more things put in the way of its

The same is not true of USJI/USJF who have yet to even admit on a
public basis that they DO have very anti - USJA feelings.

Kinda hard to bring everyone together with that going on.

My statement is within the context of the election, and what Ron could do to persuade JA members, despite whatever evidence to the contrary; that he is anti-USJA. I doubt there is anything he can do to make his argument persuasive. The die has been cast in that regard. My prediction is the USJA affiliated members who will vote in this upcoming election, will back Jimmy by a huge margin.

How else can it be? Can the JA come out and support Ron given the recent history? That would be a completely schizophrenic message to its membership. Bregman is not shy about putting his feelings on paper. Nothing I've read from him would suggest he could support the current leadership.

im well versed in the incident with the club in CA and the japanese team. the person who approached the club to arrange the visit made an honest mistake in assuming that the club was registered to the JI as well as the JA because of the large numbers of his players that have done well at the junior nationals in the past. that is not at all an unreasonable assumption to have made on his part either.. i very well may have done the same.

on the other side of the coin, the club's coach very well should have known that the JA and JF are not allowed to host international sanctions of any type-- that only the JI has control over such things. there were mistakes and assumptions made on both sides of this isle.

ron tripp had nothing to do with it himself. it is 100% ridicilous to think think he did. fact, once he heard about it he PAID for that club to be a JI club out of his own pocket becuase he didnt want to see it happen again, eventhough it was too late for this particular opportunity.

the JA's campaign against tripp, IMHO, is pretty much uncalled for. truth be told, i think the odds are pretty damn high that tripp will remain in office and what they are doing right now will do absolutley nothing to make things between the JA and JI better over the next 4 years.

its one thing to support jimmy for president, its another to flame ron or the current admin in a light that reminds people of the 2000 bush v gore presidential campaign.

Everything Josh is saying about the incident is true from what I've heard. The one thing I think the JI did wrong was letting it get to the point of cancellation. As I understand it, and Josh could correct me if I'm wrong; is the JI cancelled the Japanese team visit and then told the club it was because they weren't a JI club.

If that is the case, I think the JI and the judo community would have been better served by telling the club to forward the fee within a few days of making them aware of it, and then expediting the paperwork as quickly as possible.

Hey Josh,

Can you explain the JI officer election process?

For the record,

I don't think Ron Tripp is "anti-USJA" because it really doesn't square with the facts. His life membership and training with Pat Burris suggest otherwise. Whether he has disagreements with JA leadership in his role as JI President is another matter, but it doesn't make him anti-USJA.

Still, doesn't matter because its the perception that has been created.

ron tripp did NOT know what was going on with the japanese team visting... he is the president of the JI, he does not, nor does any president, deal with every detail of every trip. there was/is a liasion officer who was placed in charge of the arrangements and he has done an amazing job for more years than any of us could possibly recall.

the man is up there in his years and has earned more respect than anybody on this forum put together. suffice it to say that his intention of involving the goltz judo club was purely out of goodwill and the fact that he thinks they are doing a good thing there. it was not his fault that goltz hates the JI and isnt a JI club as well as a JA club.

by the time ron trip heard about it things had already spiraled into an internet shitstorm, like many of the other issues that have occured, and people were calling for ron's head on a platter over it.

now, if i were the JI president i would have lost my nerve and responded in a blasting tone that would have left many in my wake.. ron, however, saw that it was quite pathetic and decided to deal with it in the best way he could-- by trying to extend an honest apology for the situation and rectify it out of his own pocket.

was that good enough...? naturally, not. why, i have no idea.

the ONLY place that japanese team went this year was to Colorado as far as i am aware. they normally come to SJSU as well in March, but this year they opted for a change of venue.. what happened with the Goltz club was not the cause for their not coming to CA nor was it going to happen anyways once the Japan Judo Federation decided to go to Colorado instead.

this is nothing more than people being unable to see past the color red.

hell, in that same email flaming of Ron, Todd Brehe decided to come into it and blast me as a dishonest, cowardly person becuase i was the one who stood up to have him removed as Athlete Representative. come on now.. seriously, if that is the way people wish to handle certain issues then i suggest they really consider what good is going to come of their efforts..