My gym has a sign up saying you should do your cardio before weights. I have always done my Cardio after because I feel like I can push the cardio harder than if I was going to do cardio first. Is there an advantage to doing one first or is it just a personal preference.
I usually do it after OR during for two reasons: excessive cardio will impede on your strength levels when you're lifting if you do it before (say you do sprints before squatting- your poundages will be dramatically less than if you did them after) and more fatty acids are mobilized for betaoxidation when cardio is performed following resistance trainig. I also sometimes like to do cardio in between sets... do an uphill quarter mile run on the treadmill between sets or jump rope interval.
AFTER. U want to keep ur muscle glycogen fresh of maximal heavy
ond/or intense liftiung and training. Lo intensity cardio u could do in
ur sleep and doen't require hi degreel of Nero-muscular coordination.
I disagree with MMATrainer's last post given that Devon was talking about morning training BEFORE you eat. There is likely to be a stronger catabolic reaction from any form of anaerobic exercise after an 8 hour + fast, which is unsuitable for many fitness goals.
Cardio well in the aerobic zone is good for a wider variety of goals before one eats in the morning.
I have had good results this past year by alternating strength training and cardio. It could be I am just so out of shape that anything could help but having it flip flop from week to week is good mentally if nothing else.