I want to get really good cardio to play basketball. i want to start running about 20 minutes a day. would this be enough and how long does it take to get results???
should i try something else besides running?
Intervals are great, but for your regular running it's better to work up to 45 minutes, then focus on intensity. You could do a few interval days and a regular day or two a week.
Running 20 minutes a day isn't going to get you very far unless you are out of shape then it is better than nothing. You should be doing alot of sprints mixed in w/ explosive movements For example:
5 rounds for time of:
400m run, 10 power cleans (choose a weight that's good for you, work up to 135lbs.)
mix in a long run of 4-6 miles every 10 days or so. High intensity training along w/ building up your posterior chain (hams, low back, glutes) is what's going to make you fast. Intervals on the C2 Rower is another knarly one.
5 rounds for time of:
500m row
Bench press 15 reps (work up to Body weight)
strive to keep your 500's under 2 min.
High rep Clean and jerk will really help w/ your jumping/vertical. You should get a coach to help you out w/ these lifts. Pick an appropriate wieght and see how long it takes you to C&J it 30 times (work your way up to 135)
Find a basketball court, and do suicides, run the perimeter, do line
drills, etc.
I think intervals is your best bet. Having done that and just jogging I can say that intervals are a far more effective way to spend your time.
But if you're doing nothing now, running 20 mins a day is probably a good start before diving into intervals.