Carlson Gracie Statue Inaugurated in Copacabana


MarsMan -
MarsMan - 
de braco -
MarsMan -

I wonder how long it's going to take until someone steals it.

if you get a spare minute, could you give a quick synopsis of what robson said? it would be greatly apreciated, the auto translate of his part was the makings of glorious nonsense. i fear the portuguese will forever remain a mystery to me.

Sorry man... It's just saw this. 

I'll give it a go once I get some free time at work. 

Not too literal a translation since I am trying to preserve the meaning, Robson said:

There's no medal more important than being Carlson Gracie's brother and seeing, in the eyes of women, the glow of the true medal.

I have here a princess that is fantastic.

Thank you my love for coming here.

Awesome, many thanks. Greatly appreciated