CBS hoping for a death in elitexc

This is a clip from that O'reilly factor they had on about MMA. Listen to what that guy says about CBS wanting to have a death for ratings. What a gas bag. 

go here, the vid above is bugged:

uhg. just uhg.lets talk about nascar and how many deaths and terrible accidents we see on that "sport". and talk about how most of the people who watch nascar only watch to see the accidents. or hockey fans watching for the fights. these people are ignorant fucks. execute them both and get ratings on live tv with it.

Those are the three stupidest people I have ever seen on video. wow! :(

Wipes ass with video

I punch a baby kitten every time O'Reilly or PTI talks about MMA.

I would love to punch that O'Reilly douche in the throat. Fack I hate that guy! :(

UFC/MMA kills boxing, then Gary Shaw starts up EXC to try to kill MMA...makes sense.

He wants to kill MMA just so boxing can try to make money again...Damn, whatta worm.

Look at it on the bright side: at least with a death or two, the idiots will stop claiming that conservative ref/doctor stoppages are a sign of fixed fights.

 there has already been two deaths

and I would even bring that up on bill's show

then procede to trounce him

it's too easy, with him huffing and puffing ignorance with every breath

the point he could make is that he is louder than me

and I don't know why he didn't have someone with a different opinion in that segment

well, yeah I know why, but still

let's be fair and balanced, bill, you douche

Someone set up a boxing/mma fight with Olbermann and OReily...

Those two have been going at it for years....Its time for them to duke it out...

Goldberg is such a douche bag.

 lmao @ the guy mentioning terrorism and MMA in the same sentence.

O'Reilly is an opinionated idiot. Of course, he openly states that his show is an opinion show based around his opinions.

O' Reilly can suck the maggots out of his dead mothers cunt.

LOL and the balanced panel of "yes" men that nod their head.

How about having somebody actually involved in MMA to talk about it, or a doctor that deals with sports injuries and has actually examined MMA.


The six o'clock news is more violent than MMA.

This is really not a big deal. It's not going to change the popularity of MMA but instead somebody will check it out simply out of curiosity and will say "Wait, WTF? This is great. What was O'Doucheburger talking about?"

It exposes O'Reilly's hypocrisy and lack of journalistic integrity.

The segment last night was completely unresearched and more biased than the judge who gave the second round to Kimbo.

People who watch Oriley all agree with him. They are all right-wing, religious, morons.

I bascially there is like 3/4 of me maye 4/6 that could not completley agree with you all any more. Lol @ that lady starting with this "no redeeming social value", whoa, whao hold up, hold up. This one braodscast did not have redeeming social value alert the press!! Like tv for the last ten years has just been full of redeeming social value. Someone plsease cue up last season's Two and a Half Men, My Name Is Earl, etc. I'll even prove it too to those a%#holes check the website I think Eddie Goldman said it best himself in his book "No Holds Barred". UFC when it first came back on tv, and back on cable braodcast tv, actually looked better than some of the other shows. Man friggin' Fox News barey has Redeeming Social Value. Unreal man, I love how she pulled that out on MMA. They should mention local record store that sells cd's with paretnal advisory stickers to underage kids, and try and stop that. That would be the moust un hypocritical thing they could do.
Now where I do in some ways agree. Is with Kimbo having backyard fihgts on although the backyard wrestling fad was basically encouraged by corporate media. And people veiwing fights to see people get hurt or to see poor sportsmanship. That's the only part I can agree with her on. I mean dang is WWE socailly redeeming that's on like the CW, is that a braodcast channel? And beleive me I can come up with some more points.