Charles Olsen

hi peeps, anyone got a complete Bio on Charles Olsen?

other than the fact he Killed two men in Catch-can matches and Gotch said he was the most dangerous man he ever been on the mat with.

Lot's of info on Olsen in Mark Hewitt's book which I am reading now.

dont own it yet.. but could you share a bit :)

Damn ,how did he kill these guys?

from what i understand is he was freakish strong and he would aply i assume a Full Nelson and thus break the neck.

All info comes from Hewitt's book:

His real name was Max Flaskamp, Charles Olsen was the most used of many moniker's that he used to operate as a ringer.. He actually seemed to share some traits (physical and in mode of operation) with the more famous Fred Grubmier.

He was 6'1" and about 165 lbs and not real impressive looking, making it much easier to operate as he did. He claimed to have beaten Burns in a couple of gym matches, Burns denied this.

He faced and defeated a much larger Jiu-Jitsu man, Akitaro Ono in Ashville N.C. on 9/15 '05. Ono weighed in at around 207.

One death was the result of a full nelson, the other seems to have been a result of an even more freakish accident while trying to pin a man. I'd call both freak accidents, although a properly applied full nelson can be a dangerous hold, it doesn't take freakish strenght.

If the full nelson is applied right"pushing more on the side of the head"yes it's really just a neck crank.My wife can tap me with a proper full nelson.

Yeah, I just learned how to properly do this hold from a DVD I got from Pops. My friends couldn't figure it out until I put it on them.

It is no wonder so many people think CACC isn't real, the difference between a show hold and the real deal is often very subtle. But once a real shooter hooks you, brothers, you BELIEVE!

Osborne Taylor, the first man that was killed by Mays, died as a result of a hammerlock and crotch pinning combo.


See Death in the Wrestling Ring (2005) and Death Stalks the Mat (2003).


That's freaking scary.

olsen was the best of his time,he was the promoter of the ridulous beell and gotch match and cleaned up big time.I believe he was capable of beating gotch and burns on the same day.

And I'm cautious of sharks when I'm surfing.

don't know about that...but I do think he was a helluva shooter. also, there are different methods of applying the full nelson. billy wicks version is beyond belief as far as pain goes...but it's really only for demonstration.

man oh man Catchwrestling in those days...was a thin line between life and death. a lot of people Just don't know the "old fellas" were savage men who could cripple or mane you for life.

Yeah drew it can be a hard hold to pull off,but damn does it hurt.btw,Drew, check your e-mail or give me a call.