Cheap Nutritious Meals??

Cheap Nutritional Meals that are still filling ??
I am in really good shape and would like to stay that way.
But my food bills are way too high. I would like to cut it down a bit. Trying to pay off some debt.. and trying to train harder and work less...

What are some ideas for dinners and lunches that you guys make that are fairly cheap but still nutritious and filling??

I have to bring my lunches to work so please take that into consideration.

thanks in advance for the help..

Jordan @

Yah.. like i work 10 hour days.. than come home for about 15 mins and eat.. than head back out to the gym. Than make it home with just enough time to eat and go to bed.
I would like ot make something that i could make enough of to last a few meals. Before i get sick of it haha.
the waffles sound good but i think i need somethng with meat in it. So i am covering all my bases.

Ok how about any good websites with recipes?

Once again MRMAKO has provided a nice meal.

I'll recommend sweet potatoes as a 1. filling, 2. healthy, 3. dirt-cheap,
and 4. hassle-free snack. Bake or grill a few at a time, preserve in an
airtight container (no need to refrigerate) and take one with you each
day. Eat the whole potato (skin and all)

Also, in general get as much stuff at Costco/Sam's Club as you can. I
only go to supermarkets for specific items I cannot purchase at Costco.

And try to eat-out as little as possible...basically it's either unhealthy
and/or much more expensive. Learn how to feed yourself instead


and I'll also bump the dIET thread from yesterday....



black beans and rice

pineapple/low fat cottage cheese

spinach with everything.