Check out our Little Miss Fight Chix!

 do you ship to concrete foundation homes also or just to trailers?

Fat Guys Food -  do you ship to concrete foundation homes also or just to trailers?

 I think I have voted down like 4 people since I have had this acct congrats.

BrianStannFan - 
Fat Guys Food -  do you ship to concrete foundation homes also or just to trailers?

 I think I have voted down like 4 people since I have had this acct congrats.
This was my first, congrats.


I thought that was hilarious. I'd vote you up if I could. Maybe I'll log on my blue and do it. Phone Post


My post had nothing to do with how Brian Stann fights, hes the man. And I also don't think he would ever complain and hate on anything in mma like you have been or approve of it either



so, how does one go about purchasing a shirt from you rara?

 I am so tempted to order this stuff for my 3 month old. But she has sooooo many clothes already.



Fat Guys Food -  do you ship to concrete foundation homes also or just to trailers?


I have voted a number of people up since I've had this account.

And I just did it again.


 Why would you put a suggestive/sexy silhouette of a mature woman on shirts designed to be worn by pre-adolescents and toddlers?


 i found the trailer comment humorous, as i am sure was intended

sloppy2nds -  Why would you put a suggestive/sexy silhouette of a mature woman on shirts designed to be worn by pre-adolescents and toddlers?


 Because the brand is "FIGHT CHIX". Seriously though, that's a lot of gender stereotyping to cram into a single shirt design. The name, the 100lb logo model, the pigtails... lol


LOL@"Crawl and Brawl"

Thats a good Idea - you could do a varient of 'Tap or Nap' with Babies on it too.

smoogy - 
sloppy2nds -  Why would you put a suggestive/sexy silhouette of a mature woman on shirts designed to be worn by pre-adolescents and toddlers?

 Because the brand is "FIGHT CHIX". Seriously though, that's a lot of gender stereotyping to cram into a single shirt design. The name, the 100lb logo model, the pigtails... lol

Confused branding.


Hendpwned - There are some metro UGers that would like those just for the small shirt sizes.

Ha ha! Phone Post

I thought this thread was gonna have sluts or something, I got trolled